





关键词   代孕;代孕合同;法律问题;法律规制


Surrogacy law studies


Surrogacy is a form of practical application of the artificial assistance reproduction technology through Modern biotechnology it means that when the entrusted spouses can’t conceive a child in person because of the wife’s various reasons,They make use of Modern medical Reproduction Technologies to embed the successful artificial breeding zoosperm or embryo into the surrogate mothers body to be pregnant and then the surrogate mother accomplish gestating and producing fetus. At present different countries hold different attitudes towards surrogacy For a long time, human procreation are in accordance with the traditional way of natural reproduction of both sexes were. But since entering the 20th century, the human use of natural reproduction has started on the basis of a profound understanding of artificial reproduction methods and methods to control the reproductive process to complete the birth of new life, brought the advent and application of modern assisted reproductive technology.The so-called artificial reproductive technology, also known as assisted reproductive technology, which means unlike the human reproductive process of traditional gender-based sexual nature, but artificially formed by the implantation of the embryo in vitro fertilization of the female body has a normal uterus to pregnancy and the birth of a new reproductive technologies newborns.The article describes the surrogate’s basic theory, combining legal practice and experience of foreign countries in some other countries, in the analysis of the current law status quo of China’s premise, to explore the need for surrogacy legal regulation, propose solutions surrogacy legal issues specific recommendations.


Keywords  Surrogacy; surrogacy contracts; legal issues; legal regulation



目  录




第2章 代孕产生的法律问题

第3章 我国法律对代孕行为的规定和存在的问题

第4章 代孕的法律规制


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