二战以来,现代科学技术得到突飞猛进的发展,尤其是计算机网络通讯技术的不断开发和应用,使跨国贸易的成本大大降低,为众多的用户提供了广阔的商业前景。 面对蓬勃发展的电子商务交易,世界各国政府和组织都在不断完善自己的法律体系,以应对口益增多的电子商务方面的纠纷。我国1999年10月1口起开始实施的新《合同法》也在合同中引入了数据电文形式,从而在法律上确认了电子合同的合法性;2005年4月,我国第一部专门性电子商务类法律《电子签名法》颁布实施,开创了我国电子商务合同立法的新局面。
Since the end of World War II, modern science and technology make a spurt of progress of development, especially the development and application of computer network communication technology, greatly reducing the cost of cross-border trade, providing a broad business prospects for many users. In the face of rapid development of the electronic commerce, governments and organizations in the world are constantly improving our own legal system, e-commerce increased in response to the export interests disputes. The new “contract law” of China in 1999 1 in October to start the implementation of the form of a data message in the contract, in order to confirm the validity of electronic contract in the law; in 2005 April, China’s first specialized e-commerce law “electronic signature law” promulgated and implemented, creating a new situation for me China’s e-commerce legislation contract.
Keywords: electronic commerce; law; legislation