目     录



Abstract and Key words


一、 我国民间借贷现状

(一) 民间借贷的概念及性质

(二) 我国民间借贷法律风险



二、 现阶段我国民间借贷存在的问题

(一) 民间借贷立法不健全

(二) 利率可能高出法律保护的上限

(三) 不规范的民间借贷容易引发债务纠纷和违法活动,影响社会安定和正常的金融环境

(四) 民间借贷会对正规金融机构造成冲击

(五) 民间借贷会加重借款人的经济负担,可能存在较大的风险

(六) 民间借贷弱化了国家宏观调控的力度

(七) 民间借贷融资可能会诱使大量非法资金流入民间借贷领域



(二) 建立完善民间借贷法律制度,规范和引导民间借贷行为

(三) 明确非金融企业间借贷行为的合法效力

(四) 建立我国民间借贷的监管体制


四、 结语





内  容  摘  要





民间借贷 法律规制 完善



folk lending in the country’s economic development is playing the more and more major role, but also to the existing problemsThe more outstanding. Folk lending widespread existence in our country, but in the law of the folk lending no detailed regulation, also did not include financial regulatory system, so give folk to borrow money to legal status can’t wait. In our legal system in, is not about folk lending special laws and regulations, and the relevant provisions of the existing chaotic, there are many disadvantages, our country should make special folk as soon as possible loan contract laws and regulations for solving dispute in folk lending, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the folk lending. Use of private capital for the rapid development of our country’s economic construction fund, prosperity, our country’s market economy.

Therefore, this paper on China’s folk debit in the current status of development in detail, from the middle finger of occurrence phase our country folk debit and credit problems; finally according to our country civil problems, put forward some solutions, mainly from the standard folk lends money the contract, establish and improve the folk debit and credit legal system, standardize and guide folk borrowing behavior, making clear the financial enterprise credit legal effectiveness, the establishment of China’s folk credit supervision system and perfect management system of private lending support suggestions, and hope that these suggestions on Chinese folk credit standardization development must have the help of.


Keywords: folk lending law regulation is perfect


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