摘要 我国现阶段正在进行大规模的经济结构调整,在国内市场已经接近饱和,民营企业到海外市场发展已成为必然的趋势。但是在我国民营企业海外投资活动中,相配套的法律制度还没有确定的形式。立法的滞后成为民营企业海外投资活动的重要障碍,使得我国民营企业在海外投资中没有地位,这很大程度上影响了民营企业海外投资的积极性与主动性。因此,本文民营企业海外投资的问题进行探讨,并提出相关的建议。
关键词 民营企业;海外投资;法律保护
Our country present stage is undergoing a massive economic structure adjustment in the domestic market has been close to the saturated, the private enterprise to the overseas market development has become an inevitable trend. But in China’s private enterprise overseas investment activity, of supporting the legal system is no definite form. Of the lag of legislation into a private enterprise overseas investment activities in the important barrier that China’s private enterprise in the overseas investment in no position, which greatly affects the private enterprise of overseas investment enthusiasm and initiative. Therefore, this article private enterprises overseas investment discusses problems and puts forward related Suggestions.
Key words private enterprise; Overseas investment; Legal protection