







The emergence and development of format contract in 20th century is an important sign of the development of contract law. With the improvement in the level of socialization and the development of public utilities, the format contract is widely used in every field of modern social life. The format contract is the one which the parties pre-prepared to re-used and not negotiated with the other party. Its simple and time-saving characteristics meet the efficient and low cost requirement of the economic life, it has the advantage over the traditional contracts which can be widely used. But with the promotion of the use of format contract, its defects are also revealed, although the providers of the format contract cannot force the other party to accept the terms of the format, the providers can often use its economic advantage to draft many unfair terms, and the other party is unable to fight for. All countries play an important role in recognition of the format contract and making the format contract to the strength of the modern society, at the same time, all countries try their best to control it. In our country, the validity and legal regulation of the format contract are apparently discordant with the development of the format contract, the validity of the format contract should be standardized and we should also perfect the way of making the format contract and its articles. Only through a comprehensive and scientific regulation, the format contract can meet the freedom, fairness and justice requirements and can also meet the high efficiency and low cost needs of the modern economic life.

Keywords:  format contract;regulation;perfect



第1章 引言

第2章 格式合同的相关问题



第3章 格式合同的利弊与规制的必要性


3.1.1 格式合同的优越性

3.1.2 格式合同的缺陷

3.2 对格式合同规制的必要性

3.2.1 对格式合同进行规制是追求契约正义的必然要求

3.2.2 对格式合同进行规制是追求契约自由的具体体现

3.2.3 对格式合同进行规制是解决价值冲突的重要手段

第4章 我国格式合同法律规制的现状及其缺陷

4.1 我国对格式合同立法规制的现状

4.1.1 立法现状

4.2 我国格式合同立法规制的不足

4.2.1 法律体系和立法内容上的不足

4.2.2 实际操作上的缺陷

第5章 我国格式合同立法规制的完善

5.1 格式合同订立方式的完善

5.2 格式合同订入条款内容的完善

第6章 结语




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