


摘  要:二战以后,消费者运动是伴随着市场经济的发展而逐步兴起的,保护消费者权益已成为全世界消费者的共同呼声,消费者权益保护运动及其法律的形成,是市场经济发展的一个里程碑。各国根据国情制定消费者权益保护法是现代法治社会的重要内容之一。消费者权益保护法从一个小的法律部门发展到独立学科,具有现实存在的依据。在法律规范中,主要表现为消费者主权和经营者的强制义务。消费者权益保护法在唤醒消费者权益保护意识、加快我国市场经济立法进程、促进法制建设等方面发挥了积极的作用。我国正处于社会主义市场经济转轨时期,消费者权益保护状况尚不容乐观,且消费者权益保护法尚待完善,尤其是“入世”后在消费者权益保护方面会遇到一些新的问题。本文针对我国消费者权益保护法的立法问题与完善提出一些建议,在经济日益全球化的今天为消费者权益保护立法方面缩短我国与世界发达国家的差距。 

关键词:消费者  消费者权益  消费者纠纷


AbstractAfter World War II, the consumer movement is gradually rise along with the development of market economy, protect the interests of consumers has become the common voice of consumers around the world, the consumer protection movement and its legal formation, development of market economy milestone. States according to national conditions and development of consumer protection law is an important part of modern society under the rule of law. Consumer Protection Act, from a small legal department to an independent subject, with the basis for the existence of reality, its value orientation can be summarized as: “human rights” a basic value orientation; a core value of “order” orientation; “benefit “an important value orientation. Legal norms, mainly as a mandatory obligation of the consumer sovereignty and operators. China is a socialist market economy during the transition period, consumer protection situation is still not optimistic, and Consumer Protection Act, has yet to be improved, especially in the consumer protection aspects of WTO will encounter some new problems. This article reveals the level of the substance of the law the legislative value of the method to identify the deficiencies of China’s Consumer Protection Act, proposed to improve China’s Consumer Protection Law Several proposals for consumer protection in the increasingly globalized economy legislation to shorten the gap between China and developed countries in the world.


Key words:Consumers The Rights And Interests Of Consumers  Consumer Disputes









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