










Research on several problems of evidence collection in criminal investigation


From the beginning of China’s judicial system is established, the development process of evidence in the case of all plays an important role and status, from the beginning to the present Regulations of several types of evidence of subdivision, evidence in the judicial system, the sound system and all that move should provide evidence to the fact that in today’s judicial work and take the law as the criterion as the basis for trial. Evidence from the police investigation into the stage of the trial has been throughout the judicial activities, the trial of the prosecutor, who is of very important significance to the defendant and defense counsel, not only plays a role of fairness and justice, is to protect human rights and interests right of citizens. From the perspective of criminal purpose, at home and abroad is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and their own safety, the judicial practice is now nearly 70% of the cases to the supplemental investigation or the investigation itself, so based on the domestic and foreign background and environment, appeared on the stage of criminal investigation in the problems were observed and analyzed.

This article mainly from the criminal investigation stage of the collection of evidence research evidence on the judicial activities of the problems and thinking, divided into five parts. The first part analyzes the concept of evidence base system from the outline of evidence foundation system, and the classification of evidence includes classification of academic classification. The second part is the collection method and principle of evidence in the investigation stage, that is, the principle of timeliness, the principle of high efficiency, the collection method, the collection scope and so on. The third part is the analysis of the status quo and problems of the evidence collection stage of the public security organs in our country. It points out that there are contradictions and conflicts between the privacy right and the investigation work of the public security organs in the process of collecting the evidence, the staff matching is not coordinated, the electronic data collection Equipment and technical personnel lack of professionalism, the investigation of technical conditions behind the poor coordination between the work of the problem between departments. The fourth part, as the key part of the article, combines the thought of retrospective reasoning, analyzes its role in the collection of evidence in criminal cases, and uses the relevant three cases to show that retrospective reasoning is The importance of its ability to guide the search staff to further close the truth, poke the fog. In the last part, the author puts forward the suggestions to improve the collection of criminal investigation evidence in China, such as strengthening the protection of witnesses in the stage of forensic evidence, correctly handling the conflict between citizens’ right of privacy and investigation, and hope that the research of this article can be carried out for the public security organs To a certain reference role.

Keywords: Evidence;Gudicial reform; Basic principles;Evidence operation; Backtracking reasoning









一  证据基础制度概述





二  侦查阶段中证据的搜集方式及原则





三  公安机关证据搜集阶段的现状及问题分析






四 回溯推理思想对刑事案件中证据收集的作用










五 完善我国刑事侦查证据搜集的建议





结 语




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