







关键词:职业病  法律救济   启示



With the rapid development of our social economy, worker’s occupation disease prevention and treatment issues are also increasingly attracted the attention of the society. In order to protect laborer normal labor health rights and interests, our country is preliminary established to” occupation disease prevention law” as the core of the legal remedy system of occupation disease. However, the existing occupation health rights relief system still exists many imperfect places, many workers in the body suffers from diseases when the occupation was not effective and timely legal relief, make worker physical and psychological suffering great pain. Therefore, how to build a fair, impartial, sound and efficient occupation disease relief legal system in our country occupation disease prevention and control system needs to face a major theoretical and practical questions. Area of our country Hongkong in occupation disease and established a relatively perfect legal relief system, and achieved good results. Especially formed with the” labor law relief way” and” common law relief way” in two different ways, for workers to provide a targeted legal relief path.

This article take the Hongkong occupation disease legal relief system for the reference object, the system on the legal relief of Hongkong occupation disease characteristics and advantages are introduced and analyzed, and the mainland of our country occupation disease legal relief system and improve the provides reference.

This thesis can be divided into four parts, the first part introduces Hongkong, mainland China and some other countries and regions for occupation disease defined by law, for different areas of occupation disease of the legal definition analysis, research in these areas for occupation disease characteristics and advantages of legal relief. The second part is the Hongkong for occupation disease remedy case presentation, from the Hongkong region of occupation disease law relief legislation and legislative characteristics, and the Hongkong region in the occupation disease relief system legislation advanced experience was summarized. The third part is in the mainland of China occupation disease related legislation, characteristics and existing problems of. The fourth part is the Hongkong occupation disease legal relief to our country inland enlightenment.


Key word: Occupation disease, Legal remedy, Enlightenment




第一章 香港、内地及其他国家、地区关于职业病的法律界定

第二章 香港对职业病救济的法律制度

第三章   内地对职业病救济的法律制度及困境分析

第四章  香港职业病救济制度对内地的启示


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