摘  要






关键词:贸易摩擦 知识产权保护 商标侵权



Intellectual Property Disputes in Sino-American Trade—The Case of the iPad Trademark

Robert Brown                               Master of Public Administration

Directed by: BoNai Fan


The relationship between China and the United States is one of the most important as well as one of the most complicated bilateral relations in the world. Relations between these two countries not only affect China and the United States, but also greatly impact the entire international society. Of the various relationships, developing economic and trade relations is the most important. With the continued advancement of science and technology, the intellectual property economy has become an important symbol in economic development. Effectually obtaining and protecting intellectual property rights has become an important lever for restricting a countries economic development.

From the perspective of the world developing an intellectual economy, the protection of intellectual property rights should be at the top priority. The United States is the world’s economic powerhouse, science and technology super power and most powerful country. In the United States, things like, “Intellectual property rights enrich people”, and “intellectual property super power” have become common knowledge. The United States pays special attention to the role of intellectual property rights, and thus pays more attention to its own intellectual property rights and their protection.  The United States is continually perfecting its intellectual property rights legislation, and has a strong and very effective law enforcement system.  Regarding the legislation and enforcement of intellectual property rights the United States has several experiences that can fully demonstrate the core role of intellectual property rights in competition, and represent the nation’s competitive advantage.  Understanding the gap between China and the United States, and grasping the modernization of intellectual property rights legislation and the trend of internationalization is beneficial to establishing and perfecting the intellectual property management system, strengthening intellectual property protection, and implementing intellectual property strategy in China.

At present, the United States is China’s second largest trading partner, second largest export market, and sixth largest source of imports; while China is America’s second largest trade partner, third largest export market, and largest source of imports. With the continuous deepening of China’s reform and opening up and the rapid growth of exports, trade between China and the United States developed quickly. At the same time, trade friction between China and the United States is growing, and disputes over intellectual property rights have never disappeared. United States trade representative has always listed China on the priority watch list in the “special 301 report.” American businesses frequently use “clause 337” to file intellectual property lawsuits against Chinese enterprise’s exporting to the United States.  Mainland China has become America’s biggest target of 337 surveys, continually striking Chinese enterprises’ export potential and taking over market share. The number of enterprises involved in suites continues to increase, and products involved in cases grow again and again, Chinese enterprises are in a completely passive position.

To reverse this passive situation, strengthen intellectual property rights protection, and promote the sustainable development of Sino-American trade, it is necessary to not only analyze the American system of intellectual property rights protection and the causes of disputes, but it is also necessary to study the effects suffered by Chinese enterprises.  However the most important aspect is the Chinese government and enterprises strategy to take action and correct the problem.



Key words:trade friction, intellectual property rights protection, trademark infringement




目  录

摘  要


  1. 绪论

1.1 研究背景

1.2 研究目的与意义

1.3 文献综述 2

1.3.1 关于知识产权的研究

1.3.2 关于知识产权保护与国际贸易关系的研究

1.3.3 关于国际贸易中知识产权保护的研究 4

1.4 研究思路 5

1.5 创新点 5

  1. 知识产权保护与国际贸易的关联性分析 7

2.1 知识产权的相关概念 7

2.1.1 知识产权的含义 7

2.1.2 知识产权的特点 7

2.1.3 与贸易有关的知识产权类型 8

2.2 知识产权保护对中国国际贸易的影响 9

2.2.1 霸权稳定理论 9

2.2.2 适当的知识产权保护对中国国际贸易的促进作用 10

2.2.3 过度的知识产权保护对中国国际贸易的阻碍作用 11

  1. 中美贸易中的知识产权纠纷的动态演进 13

3.1 中美贸易中的知识产权纠纷的发展历史 13

3.2 中美关于知识产权的三次重要谈判 13

3.2.1 第一次知识产权谈判 14

3.2.2 第二次知识产权谈判 15

3.2.3 第三次知识产权谈判 16

3.3 中美知识产权纠纷的实质 17

3.3.1 中美双方经济利益冲突的表现 17

3.3.2 美国为了维持其世界头号强国地位 17

3.4 中美知识产权纠纷的发展趋势 17

3.4.1 中美知识产权纠纷不断加剧 17

3.4.2 由知识产权纠纷而爆发贸易大战的可能性不大 18

  1. 中美贸易中的知识产权纠纷的影响因素研究 20

4.1 美国方面的原因 20

4.1.1美国对中国的高新技术产品贸易逆差在逐年增大 20

4.1.2 知识产权作为美国出口核心正受到中国的严重威胁 22

4.1.3 后危机时代,基于知识产权的贸易保护主义开始抬头 22

4.2 中国方面的原因 24

4.2.1 中国的知识产权保护体系不健全 24

4.2.2 中国企业的自主创新能力差 25

4.2.3 中国出口产品结构不合理 26

  1. 中美贸易中的知识产权纠纷的实证研究 28

5.1 iPad商标案的背景介绍 28

5.2 iPad商标案的消费者问卷调查 31

5.2.1 iPad商标的认定问题 31

5.2.2 iPad商标侵权的认定问题 31

5.2.3 iPad产品下架对消费者的影响 33

5.2.4 有效遏制商标侵权案的手段 33

5.3 iPad商标案的影响因素 33

5.3.1 苹果公司对自身企业品牌保护意识相对薄弱 33

5.3.2 知识产权保护体系的不健全导致国际纠纷 34

5.3.3政府和企业以知识产权保护为幌子实现贸易保护主义 35

5.4 商标案对中国国际贸易的影响 36

5.5 本章小结:iPad商标案给中国企业的启示 37

  1. 中美贸易中知识产权的应对策略研究 38

6.1 中国政府的应对策略 38

6.1.1 建立国内的知识产权保护体系 38

6.1.2 提高知识产权保护意识 40

6.2 中国企业的应对策略 43

6.2.1 加强知识产权方面的研究 43

6.2.2 面对国际知识产权纠纷要积极应诉 44

6.2.3 提高企业的自主创新能力 45

  1. 结论与展望 47

附录:关于iPad商标案的消费者问卷调查 48

参考文献 49


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