Today, with the continuous development of electronic technology of small home appliance products to constantly innovation, to reform to meet the people keep critical eye, when many small home appliance products was on the structural design tends to pay attention to the strength of the equipment design, the shielding design, thermal design, etc., to consider much appearance modelling.But appearance modelling is good or bad, and sometimes play a decisive role, it not only affects the level of product and market position, but also related to the product competition ability.
Modern elements and the function of science and technology of combining the design concept in the small home appliance industry today is a new concept, it turned from the nobility and costliness to the civilian and personalization.It gives the modern art design, the aesthetic contents of modern life has brought the huge impact, constitute a kind of new culture phenomenon, namely the national folk culture.
This article will through the creative design of electric frying pan, from the perspective of bionics to analyse the appearance of the electric frying pan modelling, function distribution and how to knot functions to create and adapt to the market by the end of the electric frying pan, modern elements and bionic function in the development in the design of electric frying pan.
Key words:electric frying pan;Creative design
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