
随着人口老龄化的出现和老年人用品的短缺和老年人购买能力的提高让老年人消费市场得到更多的关注,我们有必要因此积极的开发老年产品消费市场;另外随着能源短缺环境污染的问题的出现,电能源成为今后代步车良好的动力来源。本文的研究课题是老年电动代步车的造型设计,主要的研究内容包括设计开发的可行性分析,已有产品的试产分析,计算机辅助设计等等。通过市场调研,了解我国当前老年人的消费心理以及购买能力,还有老年人用品的市场需求分析;与此同时针对中国的电动车市场进行研究,了解已有的老年人代步车还存在哪些缺陷有待解决。经过查阅国际资料,我们先是分析了色彩对老年人代步车的基本理论,还有色彩给人的心理和视觉造成的影响,从而推出老年人代步车的色彩设计的方向。然后依据造型设计的基本理论,采用造型的基本元素,抽取车身主要线型、装饰元素,继而总结出老年人代步车造型设计概要, 同时考虑到老年人使用产品的一些无障碍设计,以及老年人不服老,与时俱进追求时尚,也希望活的年轻充满活力的心理。接着是设计的具体过程,主要包括前期的头脑风暴,草图绘制,确立方案,最终草图绘制确立方案等过程。最后介绍三维建模,效果表现,实物模型制作的的大致流程。




With the improvement of the appearance of an aging population and a shortage of supplies the elderly and the elderly purchasing power of older persons in the consumer market to get more attention, and therefore we need to develop a positive elderly consumer market products; Also with energy shortages environmental pollution problems of electric energy to become the next Scooter good power source. Research of this paper is elderly electric scooter design, the main contents include design and development feasibility analysis, analysis of the product has been trial production, computer aided design and so on. At the same time carry out research on China’s electric car market, understand the existing elderly scooter which deficiencies still exist; through market research to understand China’s current consumer psychology and purchasing power of the elderly, as well as market analysis needs of older products to be resolved. Through access to international data, we first analyzed the effect of color on the basic theory of the elderly scooter, as well as color gives psychological and visual impacts, and launch the direction of the elderly scooter color designs. According to the basic theory and design, using the shape of the basic elements, extracting the main body line, decorative elements, and then summed up the elderly scooter design outline, taking into account the number of older people use the product accessible design, and the elderly against the old, the times fashion, but also a desire for a young energetic live. Followed by the practical part of the design, the portion to decide the elderly scooter design objectives and processes, with reference to the overall layout design requirements, proposed model solution is the use of hand-painted renderings, to set the final design by assessing the discussion, Finally, three-dimensional modeling, effect of the performance, the general process of physical modeling.

Key words: the elderly; electric; scooter; humanity; Accessibility Design





第一章 研究背景及意义

1.1 研究背景

1.2 研究意义

1.3 本章小结

第二章 研究现状

2.1 国外研究现状

2.2 国内研究现状

第三章 市场调查与分析

3.1 老年人消费市场分析

3.1.1 老年人的消费能力

3.1.2 老年人消费特点

3.1.3 老年人用品现状

3.2 代步电动车的分析

3.2.1 我国现有代步电动车市场分析

3.2.2 现有老年人电动代步车设计的不足

3.2.3 综合分析

第四章 老年人电动代步车的主要设计内容

4.1 老年人电动代步车造型设计

4.2 老年人代步车色彩设计

4.3 老年人代步车无障碍设计

第五章 设计过程说明

5.1 前期设计草图分析

5.2 最终草图确立

5.3 产品尺寸图

5.4 产品建模

5.5 产品配色方案

5.6 产品模型渲染

5.7 无障碍设计分析

5.8 设计说明

第六章 设计总结




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