





关键词平衡车  造型  结构  功能  产品定位  智能化





Design of  PX-CSEGWAY modelling and structure




This project is about two balanced car (electric shilly car) modeling and structural design. Through data collection, product trials, product disassembly and analysis of field research modeling for structural balance existing car products, exploit its unreasonable design on shape, structure and function. The resulting structure is then, according to research, the design of its appearance; it looks more rich sense of technology and brand image, and other vehicle products balance out the difference, attract purchasing power, increased sales company balance car products. This design is also directed to the existing balance of the car, “a coupling” Patents do structural design, the new design does not need to cover within the acceleration components make about separation, connecting rod, so that the car balance during acceleration to avoid the center of gravity cause side to side; in the equilibrium with the vehicle running smoothly, while also reducing its parts reduce weight and cost. In its product positioning is not clear, the present design of the car balanced product positioning: entertainment property based, supplemented by short-distance transportation; balancing functions use a single car on the product, the design adds lamp designed by grid lamp, at night, the car balance can recognize traffic ahead and increase security. Added app and Bluetooth 4.0 features, full use of the Internet becomes our end customer data, so that it truly intelligent.


Key words:PX-CSEGWAY  Modelling  Structure  Function  Product positioning Intelligent







  • 绪论 ..1

1.1  课题来源 1

1.2  研究背景 1

  • 产品分析 15

2.1  平衡车的定义 1

2.1.1  平衡车的分类 1

2.2  平衡车发展现状 2

2.3  平衡车的主要功能 15

2.3.1  市场集中人群 16

2.3.2  应用范围 17

2.3.3  使用场景 17

2.4  平衡车的使用方式 15

2.5  平衡车的结构分析 15

2.5.1  平衡车的外部结构分析 16

2.5.2  平衡车的内部结构分析 17

2.5.3  平衡车的连接结构分析 17

2.5.4  平衡车的零件介绍 17

2.6  竞争对手分析-骑客 15

2.6.1  骑客的简介和产品 1

2.6.2  骑客smart系列造型分析 16

2.6.3  骑客smart系列配色分析 16

2.6.4  骑客smart系列功能分析 16

2.6.5  骑客smart系列产品材质分析 16

2.7  竞争对手分析-SOLOWHEEL 15

2.7.1  SOLOWHEEL的简介和产品 1

2.7.2  HPVER造型分析 16

2.7.3  HPVER功能分析 16:

2.7.4  HPVER功能分析 16

2.8  竞争对手分析-NINEBOT 15

2.8.1  NINEBOT的简介和产品 1

2.8.2  九号平衡车造型分析 16

2.8.3  九号平衡车配色分析 16

2.8.4  九号平衡车功能分析 16

第3章  产品调研 15

3.1  调研目的 15

3.2  市场调研 15

3.2.1  市场现状 16

3.2.2  市场问题 17

3.3  产品试用 15

3.4  调研访谈 15

3.4.1  调研地点 17

3.4.2  前期问题准备 16

3.4.3  数据分析 17

3.5 调研总结 17

第4章  研究方向 15

4.1  研究方向一 15

4.2  研究方向二 15

4.3  研究方向三 15

4.4  研究方向四 15

第5章  方案设计 15

5.1  突破型方案设计 15

5.1.1  造型方案 16

5.1.2  概念描述 17

5.2  改良型方案设计 15

5.2.1  造型线稿 16

5.2.2  造型方案一 16

5.2.3  造型方案二 16

5.2.4  造型方案三 16

5.2.5  造型方案四 16

第6章  产品展示 15

6.1  效果图展示和设计说明 15

6.2  功能分析 15

6.3  使用场景 15

6.4  视觉元素分析 15

6.4.1  配色分析 16

6.4.2  造型元素分析 17

6.4.3  尺寸分析 17

6.5  材质使用 15

6.6  内部结构展示 15

6.6.1  爆炸图 17

6.6.2  内盖 16

6.6.3  内部零件位置展示 17

6.6.4  新增功能零件展示 17

6.7  模型制作 15

第7章  结论… …………………………………………………………………… 28

结束语 29

参考文献 30


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