目 录
摘要 1
前言 1
一 儿童玩具的分类与儿童心理、生理特征分析 2
(一)儿童玩具的分类 2
(二)儿童心理行为、生理特征分析 2
1.儿童认知心理特征 2
2.儿童生理机能变化 3
二、儿童玩具设计原则 3
(一) 基于儿童生理特征的玩具设计原则 3
1.安全性原则 3
2.简捷、易用原则 6
3.多重材料应用原则 6
4.成长性原则 7
(二) 基于儿童心理行为特征的玩具设计原则 8
1.本土化设计原则 8
2.个性化设计原则 8
3.教育性原则 9
4.互动性设计原则 9
三、结语与反思 10
参考文献 11
Brief Analysis On Principle of Children’s Toys Design
Abstract:China has become the world’s largest toy manufacturer, but not the toy design power. Design and development of children’s toys should be based on children of different ages, different psychological characteristics and physiological characteristics of the design, so as to design a high-quality children’s toys. In this paper, the history of children’s toys and classification were introduced, and analyzed the different ages of children’s psychological and physiological characteristics, and finally with the child’s psychological and physiological characteristics of children’s toys made of design principles, I hope this research to improve our children toy design has some reference level.
Key Words:Children’s toys;psychological and physiological characteristics;design principles