摘  要





关 键 词:视觉识别系统  手法  传播力  感染力





Now, in order to visually identify the fastest, most convenient way to disseminate them, in order to help establish a good image, it is necessary to establish the transmission of information systems for visual recognition.

All the elements of visual identity, logo, standard word, standard color is the core of the entire system, create and select the three most difficult, is the best performance design capabilities can be said that the three elements of the flag, standard word, standard color is the most performance status of the enterprise very strength. Visual identification of the core, at the same time, these three is achieved through the wide dissemination of the unified symbol of the public identity. VI, other elements have to multiply from.

In art colleges exhibition image design, logo design, performance and more ingenuity. It needs to take into account the style trend of the exhibition works, also need to have a strong discriminating. This is a major challenge for designers. In the exhibition of art colleges, student work-based, has a different style each student has shown. In the need to find the one you want to spread the image of the design of the exhibition theme, and apply a comprehensive set of image design. The standard table is its essence.

Good visual recognition system should have, effectively communicating a vision, a strong visual identity effect, the overall unity of style, has a unique artistic charm.

Keywords: Visual recognition system  practices  spread of power  appeal





目  录

中文摘要    ……………………………………………………………………………………      Ⅰ

Abstract    ……………………………………………………………………………………      Ⅱ

目录        ……………………………………………………………………………   Ⅲ

绪论        ……………………………………………………………………………    1

1  标志对于视觉识别系统的意义   …………………………………………………    2

1.1标志在视觉识别系统中的作用   ………………………………………………    2

1.2标志的意义   ……………………………………………………………………    2

1.3标志图形元素的造型  …………………………………………………………     2

2  标志设计中所该体现的设计本质  …………………………………………………   3

2.1从“心” 出发  ……………………………………………………………………   3

2.2心思的梳理让我们知道我们需要什么  …………………………………………   4

3  标志如何去感染大家  ………………………………………………………………   5

4  艺术院校毕业设计展会展形象标志的表现   ……………………………………    5

结束语   …………………………………………………………………………………   7

参考文献   ………………………………………………………………………………   8

致谢   ……………………………………………………………………………………   9


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