目 录
摘 要:随着生活水平的不断提高,家居环境的改善也成了人们的热门话题,茶几虽是家中不起眼的小家具,但是,一件设计独到、富有自然气息的茶几,却常能使居室顿生画龙点睛之妙。仿生茶几样式千姿百态,有仿水设计的,有仿花设计的,有仿天鹅设计的,还有仿还海洋生物设计的……真可谓美不胜数。人与自然本来就是一个统一的整体,相辅相成才能创造出绿色产品、自然空间,并持续下去。仿生茶几的形态的设计丰富了我们的生活空间,引导了现代化的时尚多功能主题,不失为一个有生命力的发展方向。现在,我们就茶几的仿生设计作以下介绍。
On Modular Design of Furniture
Abstract: with the continuous improvement of living standards, home furnishing environmental improvement has become the popular topic of people, tea table is home small furniture, however, a unique design, rich natural flavor of the coffee table, but can often make the bedroom instantly makes wonderful. Bionic table styles in different poses and with different expressions, like the water design, imitation flower design, like the Swan design, and imitation also marine design … … Really beautiful telescoped. Man and nature is a unity, complement each other in order to create green products, natural space, and continue. Bionic table shape design has enriched our life space, to guide the modern fashion functional theme, is a vigorous development direction. Now, we make the following introduction of the bionic design table.
Key words: bionic furniture, coffee table, bionic,