摘    要



本文集中阐述了如何恰当地运用材料及其加工工艺来创建古典灯具的个性特征,探讨了木材料在古典灯具的运用及影响。并围绕木制古典灯的设计、灯光色彩、外观造型为例讨论了它丰富了人们的生活,对于培养  一个人积极、自信、坚定、进取的个性品质有着很好的作用。就古典灯具给人们生活增加了美感进行了一系列的设想,提出了多个灯具材质对人们生活的影响、产品的美观、技巧性的实例。


关键词:木制灯设计  木材  材料  环保设计  安全






Throughout the developed countries can be found, the development of today’s lighting design is changing, and when people walk in the mall of the lamps, lighting dizzying array of surprises from time to time is always hard to forget, and let people deeply appreciate thethe charm of art, it is integrated into bits and pieces of art to make people’s lives full of infinite vitality. More lamenting or designers have a variety of materials, flexible and effective application and let the people, and wood materials in this unusual, more intuitive for people to appreciate the infinite charm of wood materials in the design of modern lighting products .

This article focuses on how the appropriate use of materials and processing technology to create a classic lamps personality traits, the use and impact of wood materials in classical lamps. And around the wooden classic lamp design, lighting color, appearance, for example, it has enriched people’s lives, to cultivate a positive, confident, determined, aggressive personality traits have a very good role. Classical lamps to people’s lives to increase the beauty of a series of envisaged multiple fixtures material impact on people’s lives, beauty products, techniques instance.



Keywords:Light wood design    Wood    Materials    environmental design safety





目    录


摘    要


1  灯具设计的原理 1

1.1  灯具的功能原理 1

1.2  灯具的物理原理 2

1.3  灯具的造型原理 2

2  材料在灯具设计中的运用 3

2.1  材料与工业设计 3

2.1.1  材料与造型设计 3

2.1.2  材料与色彩设计 3

2.1.3  材料与加工工艺 4

2.2  材料在灯具设计中的运用 4

2.2.1  材料的光泽美 4

2.2.2  材料的机理美 4

2.2.3  材料的质地美 4

3  灯具材料的发展趋势 5

4  结合毕业设计研究 6

4.1  木质灯造型设计 7

4.2  木质灯色彩设计 8

4.3  木质灯材料应用 9

结    论


致    谢


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