Cinderella, a famous fairy tale, is also a love mode and archetype in literature. Jane Austen often used it to express women’s desire for a happy life. In Persuasion, Austen had changed and developed Cinderella archetype a bit. It is not only concerned with women’s pursuit of an ideal marriage, but also concerned with the change of the society. The paper tries to reveal the theme of the novel and the 19th century society by analyzing the Cinderella archetype in Persuasion. Basically speaking, the framework of Cinderella archetype can be concluded as the four elements: the death of the mother, miserable life experience, the twists and turns in love relationship, and the happy ending. Persuasion represents the maturity of her works. There are new factors and new characteristics in it, which reflects the change of Austen’s world ideology. In Persuasion, Austen had been award of the society’s change. As a result, her writing style and content also changed with the developing society. She criticized the corrupted and declining aristocratic class and praised the newly emerging naval class.
Key Words: Cinderella archetype Persuasion themes
摘 要
“灰姑娘”是一个著名的童话故事,是一种恋爱模式,也是一种文学形式。简·奥斯丁借这模式表达了女性追求幸福婚姻生活的渴望和对以男权中心的社会主流观念的质疑和批判。在《劝导》这部小说中,“灰姑娘”叙事模式已经发生变化,发展了。它不再仅仅是女性对于幸福婚姻,理想爱情的追求,更具有了一种社会的深远意义。本文则试图通过具体分析《劝导》中的“灰姑娘”叙事模式来揭示小说的主题。“灰姑娘”叙事模式的框架可以概括为四个要素,即:母亲的死亡—生活的磨难—爱的波折—爱情大团圆。《劝导》是奥斯丁最成熟的作品,在这位作家的小说创作中可谓独树一帜,呈现出新的因素,新的特点,这些都表明奥斯丁的世界观发生了变化, 她也意识到社会的变化, 所以,她的写作内容和风格也相应的发生了变化。小说中的“灰姑娘”叙事模式体现了作者对腐朽没落的庄园贵族的批判和对新兴的海军阶层的推崇,这也就是本文所要反映的主题。
关键词:灰姑娘叙事模式 《劝导》 主题
- Introduction………………………………………………………………………….1
- Four elements in the Cinderella archetype……………………….…………………3
2.1 Family factors.……………………………………………………………………3
2.1.1 The death of the mother…………………………………………………….3
2.1.2 The father’s irresponsibility…………………………….……………………4
2.1.3 The sisters…………………………………………………………………..5
2.2 Miserable life experience…………………………………………………..……6
2.2.1 Moving out of Kellynch Hall………………………………………………6
2.2.2 Eight years’ waiting…………………………………………………………7
2.3 The twists and turns in love relationship …………………………………….…7
2.3.1 The potential love between Wentworth and Louisa………………………..8
2.3.2 The potential love between Mr. Elliot and Anne……………………………8
2.3.3 The misunderstanding between Wentworth and Anne……………………..9
2.4 The happy ending………………………………………………………………10
- The themes reflected in the Cinderella archetype……………………………………11
3.1 The criticism of the corrupted and declining aristocratic class………………..12
3.2 The high praise of newly emerging naval class……………………………….13
- Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………15