
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) was founded by British linguist, D.A. Wilkins in 1970s. In near thirty years, it has developed to be a leading approach and theory in foreign language teaching all over the world. It has been more than twenty years since the introduction of CLT in China. Communicative Language Teaching has become the main trend in foreign language teaching.

However, there are still some obstacles in the application of CLT. It is mainly due to the incorrect comprehension towards CLT and some negative factors in classroom teaching, as well as national examination system.

In consideration of the misinterpretations and negative factors, this thesis tries to analyze the elements that hinder the effective application of CLT. The elements include the teacher, students, classroom organization, national education system, etc.

There are two extreme treatments towards CLT. One is that CLT does not need grammar; the other is that CLT stresses oral English only. To gain a better understanding of CLT, the thesis discusses it ranging from its development, characteristics, to its principles. Then the writer gives some suggestions according to the current situation of English teaching in our country.

Language is a tool of human communication. The final goal of CLT is to improve learners’ communicative competence which reflects the requirement of modern language development, and the obstacles that hinder the effective application of CLT in English teaching in Chinese middle school can be conquered.


Key Words: CLT (Communicative Language Teaching)    application communicative competence










关键词:交际法    交际能力    应用







Abstract (English)………………………………………………….……………………..ⅱ

Abstract (Chinese)……………………………………………………………………………………………iv

  1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………….……..1
  2. The problems in applying CLT in Chinese middle school and misinterpretations

of CLT………………………………………………………………………………2

2.1 Limitation of students’ oral English……………………………………….…….2

2.2 Students lack confidence………………………………………………………….2

2.3 Large size of the class………………………………………….……………….3

2.4 Lacking communicative motivation…………………………………………….3

2.5 The pressure from national educational system……………………….………..4

2.6 Teachers with a lack of English proficiency…………………………………….4

2.7 Misinterpretations of CLT……………………………………………………….5

  1. How to understand CLT….…………………………………………………….……6

3.1 Development of CLT…………………………………………….……………..6

3.2 The characteristics of CLT………………………………………………………8

3.2.1 Meaning-centered……………………………………………..……………9

3.2.2 Learner-centered………………………………………………………………………………9

3.2.3 Task-based……………………………………………………….…………9

3.2.4 Situation-organized…………………………………………….….………10

3.2.5 Integration-oriented……….….……………………………………………10

3.3 Principles of CLT…………………………………………………………………………….……10

3.3.1 Communication principle……………….…………………………………10

3.3.2 Task principle…………………………………………………………………………………11

3.3.3 Meaningful principle………………………………………………………12

  1. How to apply CLT effectively………………….…………………………….…….12

4.1 Roles of the teacher and students in CLT classroom………….…………………13

4.1.1 Roles of the teacher in CLT classroom……………………….……………13

4.1.2 Roles of students in CLT classroom…………………….…………………14

4.2 Integrating CLT with traditional method………………….……….……..……14

4.2.1 Teaching grammar in a communicative way………………………………15

4.2.2 Integrating four language skills in CLT……………………………………16

4.3 How to apply CLT in a large class……….……………………………….…….17

4.3.1 Dividing the students into groups or using pair work………………….…17

4.3.2 Asking the whole class reaction…………………………………………..18

4.3.3 Thinking about vision and acoustics………………………………………18

4.4 How to stimulating students’ communicative motivation…….………………..18

4.4.1 Reforming the class teaching mode.……..……………………………….18

4.4.2 Creating communicative atmosphere..…..………………………………..19

4.4.3 Using communicative materials…………………………………………………..……20

4.4.4 Building up students’ confidence……….…………………………….……21

4.5 Making proper communicative tests…….…………………………………..…22

4.6 Improving teachers’ English proficiency.……….….………….……….………23

  1. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………23



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