Traditional translation studies treat translation as the transformation of linguistic signs, taking insufficient notice of the interference of cultural factors in the translating process. However, owing to the natural and close relations between language, culture and translation, with the development of related disciplines, translation studies from the perspective of cultural communication have been gaining weight in the academic circles of translation theories in recent years, which resulted in the cultural view on translation.

This thesis tries to explore translating problems from the cultural perspective. It falls into seven parts including the Introduction:


The thesis starts with the Introduction in which the author concisely states his purpose of writing this paper, outlining the contents of the whole thesis according to its structure.

Chapter One is Language, Culture and Translation. This chapter is designed to explicate the concept of culture and the relations between language, culture and translation, laying foundations for the following discussion at deeper levels.

Chapter Two is Cultural View on Translation and Cultural Factors to be Taken into Account When Translating. On the basis of analysing traditional translation studies, the author points out the defects of traditional translation studies. Then the author looks back at the culture turn in translation studies and introduces the cultural view on translation. The author holds the view that common cultural core is the foundation of translation and cultural communication, but cultural differences pose obstacles to smooth cultural exchange and cultural conflicts are the tough nut for translators to crack.

Chapter Three is Foreignization and Domestication—Two Approaches to Cultural Translation. When it comes to the discussion of handling cultural factors in translation, scholars at home and abroad can be roughly divided into two schools: the school of foreignization and the school of domestication, with Venuti and Nida being their major respective representatives. The disputes between the two schools have been continuing for quite a few years, each school having its own advocates and theoretical bases.

Chapter Four is Foreignization or Domestication: An Analysis of the Contributing Factors in the Decision-making Process of Translation. The author has no intention of getting involved in the disputes between the two schools. After analysing such factors as the intention of the translator, textual function, social-cultural environment, historical limitations and the translator’s style, the author comes to the conclusion that the choice of translating strategy is decided upon by many conditioning factors rather than by the preference of the translator.

Chapter Five is The Mediating Functions of the Cultural View on Translation. In the circles of translation theories, there are many disputable issues such as the contradiction between domestication and foreignization, the conflict of literal translation and free translation, the trace of translation, the translator’s style, etc. Studying these problems from the perspective of cultural communication, the author concludes that all these tricks to some extent contribute to cultural communication, and so their existence is justifiable.

Chapter Six is Conclusion. The author harbours the view that to conduct translation studies from the angle of cultural communication provides a new perspective for translation studies, reconciling the long-term contradictory opinions and guiding them to serve the task of promoting cultural communication. This helps translation studies get out of marginal position and exist as an independent discipline. At the same time, the author warns that the cultural view on translation is just one of the many perspectives of translation studies, and it is complementary to translation studies from other perspectives. Its development, to a great extent, counts on the development and prosperity of related disciplines.










第一章, 语言,文化和翻译。本章旨在阐述文化的概念,以及语言,文化和翻译之间关系,为后面的深入讨论做准备。












Introduction···················································································· 1

Chapter OneLanguage, Culture and Translation 4·······························   1.1 Why is it important to elaborate on the definition of culture?·································· 4

1.2 Various definitions of culture ························································· 5

1.3 Intrinsic traits of culture  ····························································· 7

1.4 The relation of language to culture···················································· 11

1.5 The relation of translation to culture·················································· 13

Chapter Two: Cultural View on Translation and Cultural Factors

to Be Taken into Account When Translating   15

2.1 Traditional translation studies··· 15

2.2 The cultural turn in translation studies       ·········································· 17

2.3 Cultural view on translation ·························································· 19

2.4 Cultural factors to be taken into account when translating··· 22

2.4.1 The importance of cross-cultural awareness ································· 22

2.4.2 Cultural common core···························································· 23

2.4.3 Difficulties caused to translation by cultural differences··· 25 Conflict of word meaning··················································· 25 Semantic association························································ 26 Zero of equivalent word···················································· 28 Pragmatic implication························································ 29 Difference of national psychology··· 30

Chapter Three: Foreignization and DomesticationTwo Approaches

to Cultural Translation ···································································· 32

3.1 Cultural translation, foreignization and domestication······························ 32

3.2 Advocates of domestication and their theories······································ 34

3.3 Advocates of foreignization and their theories ····································· 36

3.4 The endless dispute between the two schools·· 37

Chapter Four: Domestication or Foreignization: An Analysis

of the Contributing Factors in the Decision-

making Process of Translation········································· 42

4.1 The intention of the translator·· 42

4.2 Textual function·········································································· 46

4.3 Socio-cultural environment···························································· 49

4.4 Historical limitations···································································· 51

4.5 The translator’s style··································································· 52

Chapter Five: The Mediating Function of the Cultural View on

Translation ································································ 55

5.1 On style·················································································· 55

5.2 On literal translation and free translation············································ 56

5.3 On translatability and untranslatability··············································· 57

5.4 On addition and omission····························································· 59

5.5 On foreignization and domestication················································· 60

5.6 On the trace of translation····························································· 61

Chapter Six: Conclusion··································································· 63

Bibliography·················································································· 64


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