








Following with the world economy development, the market competition is becoming more and more intensive. The tobacco industry competition is also under great competition pressure. Now, the world tobacco brands are trying to upgrade the brand construction to increase the competitiveness in the world competition but China tobacco brands are facing obstacles: the brands are lack of competitiveness and the brands are too large in amount but small in size. This paper analyzed the tobacco industries’ development situation and the contribution to the China economy, and take China Tobacco Hunan as the example to analyze the tobacco brand construction of China tobacco companies. This paper also analyzed the Marbella and other world famous tobacco brands’ development situation and pointed out China Tobacco Hunan’s weakness and opportunities. This paper pointed out that China Tobacco Hunan should make clear what the competition situation now is and start from the brand upgrade, improve the layout of market, brand integration and construction, brand and technological innovation, brand marketing and so on. Meanwhile, in order to allow China Tobacco Hunan brand building to enhance competitiveness and market share, this paper suggested to do this from the three aspects including the resources, technology and personnel to protect the development of the China Tobacco Hunan brands. China Tobacco Hunan should try to establish the long and short-term conceptual planning, and at the same time, with the principles of brand positioning, brand target market selection, the principles of brand image and brand integration principle, this paper proposes a specific brand building strategies: In the context of a comprehensive upgrade of competition, optimize brand market layout, with the focus strong brand building, strengthening the technological infrastructure of the cigarette brand, pay close attention to marketing management. China Tobacco Hunan also should protect cigarette brand resources to fulfill the brand integration and from the supply chain management angle, China Tobacco Hunan should pay attention to the raw material supply, technical support on the implementation of patent strategy and attach more importance on technology research and personnel management.


Key words: China Tobacco Hunan; Furongwang; Baisha




  1. 绪论… 1

1.1 选题背景… 1

1.1.1烟草行业的贡献… 1

1.1.2国内烟草在全球烟草的位势… 2

1.2 研究目的和意义… 2

1.2.1 研究目的… 2

1.2.2 研究意义… 2

1.3 文献综述… 3

1.3.1 国外… 3

1.3.2 国内… 3

1.4研究思路和方法… 4

1.4.1 研究思路… 4

1.4.2 研究方法… 4

  1. 国内外主要品牌分析… 5

2.1 国外主要品牌现状分析… 5

2.1.1 国外主要品牌及其市场占有率… 5

2.1.2 国外主要烟草品牌的发展情况… 6

2.2 国内主要品牌现状分析… 7

2.2.1 国内主要竞争者发展情况… 7

2.2.2 国内主要品牌竞争者的品牌发展现状… 7

  1. 湖南中烟品牌策略现状分析… 9

3.1 湖南中烟简介… 9

3.2 湖南中烟品牌发展现状… 9

3.2.1芙蓉王现状… 9

3.2.2白沙现状… 10

  1. 湖南中烟品牌策略存在的问题及原因分析… 13

4.1 品牌竞争加剧… 13

4.2 品牌结构提升面临瓶颈… 14

4.3 外部环境的制约… 15

4.4 销售基数较大、后续持续快速增长乏力… 16

4.5 品牌管理混乱… 17

  1. 湖南中烟卷烟品牌发展实施措施… 18

5.1湖南中烟品牌发展原则… 18

5.1.1 品牌目标市场选择… 18

5.1.2 品牌定位… 18

5.1.3 品牌形象塑造… 18

5.1.4 品牌整合建议… 19

5.2湖南中烟品牌发展目标… 19

5.2.1 短期目标… 19

5.2.2 中长期目标… 20

5.3 优化品牌市场布局… 20

5.3.1 突出目标市场建设… 20

5.3.2 稳固已有市场,进攻省外市场… 20

5.4强势品牌建设… 20

5.4.1 芙蓉王品牌-精准营销,强势高端… 20

5.4.2 白沙品牌-强力攻坚,发展精品类… 21

5.5 加强卷烟品牌科技建设… 21

5.5.1加快品牌低焦规格规模化… 21

5.5.2 绿色烟草建设畅想… 21

5.6 品牌建设注重要素质量的提升… 22

5.6.1资源保障… 22

5.6.2 技术保障… 23

5.6.3人才保障… 24

  1. 结论与展望… 25

参考文献… 26



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