摘 要
关键词 东莞;加工贸易;出口;品牌;战略
Along with the reform and opening up in China, each career entered the recovery and development of the track, but the processing trade enterprises in Dongguan is still at the preliminary stage of the development. The enterprise brand shaping the emergence and the development of processing trade enterprises in Dongguan are very slow, shallow sense of brand shaping. In the fast development of our country economy drive below, Dongguan processing trade is gradually accepted by international market, but because the Dongguan processing trade enterprises in brand building brand awareness is not strong, there is brand construction direction is not accurate, brand marketing channel is unscientific wait for a problem, cause the enterprise to adapt to the intense market competition. Therefore, this article will through the theoretical research and empirical research combined method, to Dongguan processing trade export enterprise brand construction as an example, discusses the processing trade enterprises to create their own brand development strategy.Based on the domestic and foreign related independent brands and innovative theory and empirical research results of the sort, on this foundation, summed up Dongguan to export brand construction present situation, discovers the Dongguan processing trade enterprises exist independent brands to do domestic difficulties, enterprises blindly do brand, enterprise of its own brand is not correct positioning, brand building and marketing channel construction separation problems. As put forward in favor of Dongguan export brand building and policy recommendations to lay the foundation. Then combined with the current international market environment, analysis of Dongguan processing trade enterprises facing the risk: brand overseas promotion difficult and requiring long-term investment and willing to invest, domestic value chain of incomplete and at the processing stage, unfavorable build brands, the economic crisis brought about by the industry risk, external risk increase, finally, this article unifies the existing theory and empirical research, from government, enterprise, external support system three respects, put forward to promote Dongguan processing trade enterprises to create their own brand policy recommendations.
Key words :Dongguan; processing trade; export; brand; strategy
目 录
1.3.2 价值链对企业品牌体系的整合………………….. 8
1.3.3 品牌可使内外价值链和谐统一………………….. 8
2.1来料转三资变独立法人,为创立品牌铺路搭桥…………… 9
2.2 自主品牌占有率有在提高,但仍不高………………… 10
2.3政府为自主品牌拓展国内市场搭建平台……………….. 11
2.4 收购知名品牌,自主品牌尝试“拿来主义”……………. 11
3.1自主品牌做内销困难重重,远比想象中难……………… 12
3.2企业盲目做品牌,没有结合自身实际状况……………… 13
3.3企业对自有品牌未进行正确定位,品牌多数无差异化…….. 14
3.4品牌建设与销售渠道建设分离,影响品牌营销………….. 14
4.1品牌海外宣传困难且需长期投资和舍得投入……………. 15
4.2国内价值链不完整且处于加工阶段,不利打造品牌………. 16
5.1完善企业融资扶持政策,促进信贷机构发展……………. 18
5.2海外市场遇冷,自主品牌转发展国内市场……………… 18
5.3对自有品牌进行定位,做有差异化的品牌……………… 19
5.4开拓自主营销渠道,促品牌建设与销售渠道有效结合…….. 19