
1绪论… 4

1.1研究背景… 4

1.2国内外研究现状综述… 4

1.2.1国外研究现状… 4

1.2.1国内研究现状… 4

1.3研究内容… 4

1.4研究意义… 4

1.5研究方法和技术路线… 4

1.5.1研究方法… 4

1.5.2研究技术路线… 4

2相关理论… 4

2.1中小企业概述… 4

2.2融资相关概述… 4

3加拿大与我国中小企业的特点和融资状况的比较分析… 4

3.1加拿大中小企业的特点及其融资状况… 4

3.1.1加拿大中小企业的特点… 4

3.1.2加拿大中小企业的融资状况… 4

3.2我国中小企业的特点及其融资状况… 4

3.2.1我国中小企业的特点… 4

3.2.2我国中小企业融资方式… 4

3.2.3我国中小企业融资现状… 4

3.2.3我国中小企业的融资难原因分析… 4

3.3比较分析结果… 4

4两国解决中小企业融资难的实践策略比较分析… 4

4.1加拿大解决中小企业融资难的实践策略… 4

4.2我国解决中小企业融资难的实践策略… 4

5解决我国中小企业融资问题的建议… 4

5.1完善中小企业的融资体系… 4

5.2避免企业规模歧视… 4

5.3增强企业盈利能力… 4

5.4拓宽融资渠道… 4

5.5提升企业的信用等级… 4

6结论… 4

参考文献… 4

致谢… 4













Research on The Financing of Small and Medium Enterprises to Solve Difficult Way-based on The Comparison of The with Canada




The U.S. credit crisis caused by the global financial crisis, financial institutions are facing the crisis, global fund flow in trouble, and small and medium-sized enterprises can’t miss. The country has the world’s most developed financing system, free competition and economic order and continuous innovation spirit to make Canada the financial system perfect, in view of the small and medium-sized enterprise financing system of construction works well. This article through the literature investigation, comparative analysis, the standard analysis, based on the financing of small and medium enterprises system of Canada, analyzes its financing system advanced experience, the paper also discussed the medium-sized and small enterprises’ financing the problems and their causes, based on China’s national conditions reference Canada the financing of small and medium enterprises advanced experience, and for building a suitable for China’s national conditions of financing system for advice.


Key words: Financing system; Small and medium-sized enterprises; Canada; Comparison analysis



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