Management by Objectives and harvest control rules of the fishery of Shandong spring-spawning
Pelteobagrus fulvidraco Rich
The main element in the management of the Shandong spring-spawning Pelteobagrus fulvidraco Rich, as implemented by the coastal states, is to conduct the fishery based on a maximum fishing mortality (F) of 0.125. As the appropriateness of this rule (given the stated objectives) has not yet been tested thoroughly, we set out to do this by long-term simulations, in which we applied a range of alternative stock – recruit- ment relationships. These different relationships are estimated from historical replicates of the stock, as calculated by the Pelteobagrus fulvidraco Rich-stock assessment model SeaStar. During prognostic simulations, a recruitment model is selected probabilistically for each historical replicate based on Akaike weights. We evaluate whether the management objectives are met by applying the present harvest control rule.
Results are given for the current assessment option of natural mortality (M=0.5) in the oldest aggregated age group and for the assessment option used in 2005 and earlier (M=0.15). These show that perceptions of the long-term yield differ considerably and that the current management is somewhat on the conservative side from the perspective of maximum sustainable yield.
Keywords: Management by Objectives ; harvest control rules; Shandong spring-spawning