摘  要









Materials management is the construction of an important part of project management, perforative at whole construction process. Material management to ensure construction projects carried out smoothly, reduce costs and improve efficiency, play a decisive role. However the current material management of construction enterprise still existing enterprise material management seriously insufficient, plan management is weak, heavy supply light management phenomenon is serious, materials management personnel shortage problem, greatly enhance the enterprise material management cost, lengthen the enterprise material management plan step, solve construction enterprise material management problems still exist brook no delay, to the enterprise long-term development is of great significance. This article from the start with an overview of the material management of construction enterprise material management, aiming at the existing problems, put forward to carry out the project analysis of economic activity, with suppliers to establish stable relations of cooperation; strengthen material purchasing management and inspection work; strengthen the reserve capital, capital management; computer platform specification materials operating procedures; emphasis on material practitioners the training and introduction of solution.


 Key words: construction enterprise; material management; reduce cost




第一章 引 言………………………………………………. 5

1.1问题的提出………………………………………….. 5

1.2 施工企业物资管理的研究概况……………………………. 5

第二章 施工企业物资管理存在的问题……………………………. 5

2.1企业对物资管理重视不够,计划管理工作薄弱……………….. 5

2.2物资采购不规范………………………………………. 6

2.3重供应轻管理现象严重…………………………………. 6

2.4配套设施薄弱………………………………………… 7

2.5物资管理人才缺乏…………………………………….. 7

第三章 施工企业物资管理存在问题的对策研究…………………….. 7

3.1推行项目经济活动分析,与供应商建立稳定的合作关系………… 7

3.2加强物资采购管理及验收工作……………………………. 8

3.3加强储备资本、生产资本的控制管理………………………. 9

3.4运用计算机平台规范物资作业程序……………………….. 10

3.5重视对物资从业人员的培训与引进……………………….. 11

第四章 结论………………………………………………. 12

参考文献…………………………………………………. 13

致  谢…………………………………………………… 14


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