摘 要:浙江经济持续三十年的高速增长在很大程度上得益于民营企业的茁壮成长,其经济活力也在很大程度上依赖于民营企业所迸发的生机和成长后劲,然而随着这几年金融危机的加剧,浙江民营融资难的问题更加凸显,很大民营企业纷纷倒闭,这对浙江经济也造成了巨大的打击,所以必须采取相应的措施解决这些问题。本文将先从私人权益资本市场的内涵、结构和特点出发,具体阐述私人权益资本市场,其次由于私人权益资本市场在我国才处于起步阶段,所以要对私人权益的发展做一定的研究,然后对民营企业的现状、存在的问题及产生的原因进行分析,最后结合私人权益资本市场理论对解决这些问题提出一些措施,以期为广大企业管理者提供一些有用的参考。
Abstract:Zhejiang economy for 30 years of growth in a large extent benefited from the private enterprise’s thriving, its economic vitality also depends heavily on private enterprise have burst into life and growth staying power, however, with a few years this financial crisis intensifies, zhejiang private financing difficult problem become more prominent, a large private enterprise went bankrupt, the zhejiang economy also caused a huge blow, so must adopt corresponding measures to solve these problems. This article will first from private equity capital market of the connotation, structure and characteristics, the paper private equity capital market, secondly because private equity capital market in China just at the beginning stage, so have to the development of the private rights do some research, and then to the private enterprise of the present situation, the existing problems and the causes for the occurrence of analysis, based on the private equity capital market theory to solve these problems put forward some measures to the general managers of enterprises provide some useful reference.
Key words:private equity capital; Connotation; Characteristics; The private enterprise; Development; Problem; countermeasures