2.3银行提供的金融服务单一…………………………………. 3
2.4电子商务企业信用担保体系发展滞后………………………… 4
3 我国电子商务企业的融资障碍分析……………………….. 4
3.1 企业自身原因………………………………………….. 4
3.1.1 客观上电子商务企业有许多弱点,增加了融资难度…………….. 4
4 我国电子商务企业的融资策略探讨……………………….. 7
4.1尽快建立适合中国国情的电子商务企业法律体系……………….. 7
4.2 大力发展与电子商务企业相匹配的中小金融机构……………….. 7
4.3 完善电子商务企业信用担保机制……………………………. 8
4.4 借鉴国外的成功经验…………………………………….. 9
Funding issue is a key factor in business success. Starting from the supply and demand of funds to understand China’s e-commerce businesses of financing options and their characteristics, summarized on this basis, e-commerce businesses in China were in the following capital supply and demand situation, the high demand for cash reserve, the relative lack of effective capital supply, the large gap of capital supply and demand, leading to the necessity for financing. 我The third part of the paper focused on banks financing obstacles, risk investment barriers, bond financing obstacles, listing financing obstacles and the reasons for these barriers. 针对我Financing strategies had been discussed from financial package,opportunity, the choice of financial intermediaries and cost in the forth part of the paper, furthermore, proposing the financing strategies mainly from our e-business of the life cycle.
Keywords:E-commerce business, Financing obstacles,, Financing strategy