

关键词:自主品牌 政府扶持 自主创新 品牌意识



In recent decades, with the reform and opening up and deepening of economic globalization, China’s automobile production and sales increased year by year, to the current level of ten million from the early days of a few ten thousand. In this process, as an important part of China’s auto industry independent brands has been rapid development, especially in the passenger area, from the early days of the Red Flag, Dongfeng, Phoenix and other small independent brands, to the current Chery Geely, Changan, BYD mainly of hundreds of independent brands, both from the production scale, or have been greatly improved from the brand and the type of technical content. However, due to the country late start its own brand, its own brand with joint venture brands gap still exists in all aspects of the domestic passenger car market is mainly occupied by joint ventures and foreign brands, the market most of the profits made off with foreign parties. In this over-reliance on foreign automotive market situation, how to promote the development of independent brands, it has become a major problem facing China’s auto industry. In this paper, how to promote our own brand car development for research purposes, by the analysis of the development situation and constraints of automobile brand, while the use of comparative study, summarize and from the experience of developed countries, automobile, and finally from the macro and micro aspects make relevant suggestions in order to be able to develop our own brand cars play a guiding role.

Keywords: Independent brands  government support innovation  brand awareness



目  录

一、汽车业的概述………………………………. 1

(一)研究背景与意义…………………………. 1

(二)文献综述   …………………………. 2

二、贵州汽车自主品牌发展现状 ………………….. 3

(一)贵州汽车自主品牌发展历程     ……….. 3

(二)独立的自主品牌阶段   ………………… 3

(三)合资品牌为主的阶段   ………………… 3

(四)自主品牌的迅速发展阶段  ………………. 4

(五)贵州汽车自主品牌发展现状    …………. 5

(六)自主品牌增速较快……………………….. 5

三、制约贵州汽车自主品牌发展的因素     ……… 5

(一)政府扶持力度不足 ……………………… 5

(二)企业规模小、效益低 ……………………. 5

(三)缺乏核心技术和研发能力 ………………… 6

(四)品牌战略意识薄弱 ……………………… 6

(六)企业人才缺乏,管理水平有待提升 …………. 7

四、促进贵州汽车自主品牌发展的对策………………. 7

(二)大力提升产品质量和服务水平 …………….. 7

(三)消费者 ………………………………. 7

结论…………………………………………. 9

参考文献…………………………………….. 10


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