









P At present, with the deepening of the reform of classroom teaching, paying attention to the students’ individual differences has become one of the inevitable requirement in the classroom teaching. And in the traditional teaching mode, it is impossible to realize the purpose.Compared with the university students,secondary professional students’ English seems slightly weak, not only the enthusiasm of English learning is not high, learning effect is poorer, and it is even difficult in the employment after graduation to realize the entrance requirements. Therefore, to change the previous traditional English teaching mode, and to create the learning style of the secondary professional students as the foundation of the teaching mode has become the important strategy of secondary education teaching change.This paper does a survey and exploration through the experiment, the form of questionnaire to secondary students’ English learning style, and shows that most of them turn to visual, auditory and experience of learning learning style, in three big learning style group piece, namely perceptual learning style, cognitive learning style and personality learning style, they belonged to the proportion of blended learning style is less. Therefore, according to the results of the study to give enlightenment, in this paper, the different learning style preference of students also puts forward some corresponding teaching strategy.

This paper mainly discusses the from six parts: the first part is the introduction of thispaper, mainly introduces the research background of purpose, significance and research content and the frame, and the main body of the narrative and the blackboard introduced; The second part of this paper is to review the literature of the part, in this section, the author of the concept of related to make to the definition and classification, and the main body of the qing thought this repeatedly, and then, in this section, the author also discusses the current teaching style of teaching strategy about current research at home and abroad so as to find out the innovation points in this paper; The third part, mainly introduced the this research method. Including the object of study, problems, the main body, and the methods to study data statistics and analysis in brief; The fourth part, the author makes a detailed analysis of the experiment data results , and concludes that the experiment on the current English teaching of vocational schools students revelation; The fifth part discusses the technical secondary school students’ learning style based on English teaching strategy, that is, different learning style preference of the implementation of the teaching of the students of strategy. the sixth part is the conclusion part of this paper. mainly is for the new research discoverary, the shortages of the study, and the development trend in the future .


Key words: secondary professional students; learning style; English teaching; strategy



第1章 绪论. 1

1.1研究的背景. 1

1.2 研究的目的和意义. 2

1.3 研究的内容和框架. 2

第2章 文献综述. 3

2.1 学习风格的界定. 5

2.2学习风格的类型. 6

2.2.1学习风格的要素. 6

2.2.2感知学习风格. 7

2.2.3 认知学习风格. 8

2.2.4 个性学习风格. 9

2.3 国内外研究现状. 10

2.3.1 国内研究现状. 10

2.3.2  国内外研究现状. 11

第3章 研究方法. 12

3.1 研究目标. 12

3.2 研究问题. 13

3.3 研究主体. 13

3.4 研究方法. 14

3.4.1问卷. 14

3.4.2观察和分析. 15

3.5 研究数据的统计和分析. 16

3.5.1中职学生英语学习风格的整体特点. 17

3.5.2英语学习风格与变量间的差异. 18

第4章 研究结果的分析与启示. 18

4.1 研究结果的分析. 19

4.2 研究结果的启示. 20

第5章 基于中职学生学习风格的英语教学策略. 21

5.1 运用与中职学生学习风格相匹配的教学策略. 22

5.1.1基于中职学生学习风格的教学策略应遵循的原则. 23

5.1.2英语教学中典型化的应对策略. 24

5.1.3视觉偏爱型学习风格与相应策略. 24

3.1.4听觉偏爱型学习风格与相应策略. 25

3.1.5体验学习偏爱型学习风格与相应策略. 25

3.1.6本节总结. 26

5.2 拓宽学生的学习风格. 27

5.3 从认知的角度设计英语课堂教学. 27

5.3.1学生认知因素的分析. 28

5.3.2英语课堂教学策略的运用. 29在练习中讲解英语. 29利用图像观讲解英语. 30利用组块观讲解英语. 34

5.4 从非认知角度设计英语课堂教学. 36

5.4.1 对学生非认知因素的分析. 36

5.4.2 英语课堂策略运用. 36 探索学生的心理. 37 多样的教学方法. 39

第6章 结语. 41

致谢. 43

参考文献. 46

卷. 47


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