摘 要:随着2008年北京奥运会的日益临近,人们的健身意识不断加强,健身俱乐部作为专业的健身服务行业,已经越来越受到人们的亲睐。随着自身的规模不断扩大,客户数量的增多,传统的管理模式已不能适应现代健身机构的发展趋势,出于更好地对客户进行管理和服务,提高员工工作效率,降低管理成本等多方面的考虑,有必要通过现代化科技手段,建立完善的客户自动化管理系统,通过自动化的客户管理方法,提升俱乐部档次,方便客户服务,扩大业务规模,为客户提供专业的健身服务,实施专业化、科学化的管理。 本系统的开发正是适应了这一需求,经过实际的需求分析,我们采用了JSP技术和SQL SERVER 2000数据库管理系统作为工具进行开发。整个系统服务于管理员、俱乐部会员两种不同的用户。操作简便、界面美观、灵活实用,设计开发出会员管理、教练管理、项目管理、器械管理、员工管理和健身活动管理等功能,基本满足了俱乐部实际的需要。 本说明书主要介绍了本课题的开发背景、完成的功能和开发过程,并着重说明了开发设计的思想、技术难点和解决方案。 关键词: 健身俱乐部 数据库 JSP SQL Sever 2000 |
The Design and Implementation of Fitness club synthesis management system
Abstract: Along with 2008 Beijing Olympic Games’ approaching day by day, people’s fitness consciousness strengthens unceasingly, the fitness club has already been more and more popular as the specialized fitness service industry. Expanding along with own scale, customer quantity increasing, the traditional management pattern has not been able to adapt the modern fitness organization development tendency, stemming from carries on the management and the service well to the customer, enhances the staff working efficiency, reduces the management cost and so on , it is necessary to establish the perfect customer automation management system through the modernized science and technology method, promoting the club scale through the automated customer management, facilitating the customer service, expanding the service scale, providing the specialized fitness service for the customer, implementation specialization and scientific management. This system’s development adapted to this demand. Passing by practical demand analysis, we use the JSP technology and SQL the SERVER 2000 database management system as the tool to development. The whole system is served for two different users, the manager and the club member. Following the needs of simple operation, beautiful and vivid interface and practical request from users, the functions designed and developed including member management, training management, item management, instrument management, staff management and fitness activity management, which has basically met the club actual needs. This paper introduces the background of the development, the functions demanded and the process of design. What’s more, the paper mainly explains the design and implement of the key techniques and the solutions.
Keywords: Fitness Club; Database; JSP; SQL Sever 2000 |
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