326 java JAVA跳棋游戏的设计与开发演示录像



摘要: 电脑游戏产业作为现代电脑电子技术的产物,正在以其独特的魅力在全世界的娱乐领域占据主流位置,我们在承认广大娱乐网民的选择空间狭小的同时,也必须明确的一点就是电脑游戏本身所具有的强大的吸引力。近年来,世界电脑游戏市场高速发展。根据统计,全球网络玩家所占互联网人群的比例已经超过30%。电脑游戏凭借其信息双向交流,速度快,不受空间限制等互联网有时,具有诱人的互动性、仿真性和竞技性,已经成为网络业盈利优厚的三大领域之一。



Abstract: The computer games industry takes the modern computer electronic technology the product, by its unique charm in world entertainment domain hold mainstream position, we during acknowledgment general entertainment web cam’s choice space narrow and small, must be clear a spot is the formidable attraction which the computer games itself have. In recent years, the world computer games market developed high speed. According to the statistics, the global network played the family to occupy the Internet crowd the proportion already to surpass 30%. The computer games rely on its information two-way exchange, the speed are quick, Internet and so on space limitation sometimes, does not have attractive interactive, the simulation and athletics, already became network industry profit one of munificent three big domains.

Checkers the game manufactures the goal has met the people leisure needs, when intense work the leisure class small game can bring the greatest degree to the human the relaxation, may also promote between people’s exchange, the communication, convenient people entertainment’s goal.

Key words: Computer games;Checkers;Java game


目 录

1 选题背景

1.1 课题来源

1.2 目的

1.3 意义

1.4 主要问题

1.5 发展概况

1.6 指导思想

2 设计原理

3 开发语言JAVA介绍

4 系统设计

4.1 基本思路

4.1.1 解决游戏区域问题

4.1.2 获取图片位置的思路

4.2 界面的设计和棋子图片的生成

4.2.1 界面的设计

4.2.2 棋子图片的生成

4.2.3 单击控件的事件触发

4.3  跳转路径是否符合规律

4.4 游戏界面

5 系统调试与测试

5.1 程序调试

5.2 程序的测试

5.2.1 测试的重要性及目的

5.2.2 测试的步骤

5.2.3 测试的主要内容





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