







Modern education is the education of the future, not only to teach students life-long benefit from the basic knowledge and skills to focus on students ‘desire to learn and fun training, and more concerned about the education of the students’ mental health for the lifelong development of studentslay the foundation. Despite repeated reform, but because of the serious impact of the examination-oriented education, school education and family education, concepts, methods antiquated, students still exist in a wide variety of psychological problems. These psychological problems, especially for students of primary school students learning the willpower, self-control, self-confidence, interest, motivation, have some negative impact due to the phenomenon of the shadow of the examination, to basically also use the results to measure academic achievement the pupils will inevitably lead to a pressure, over time, this pressure into the students’ learning of affective disorder. Study of affective disorders not only affect students’ learning of basic knowledge, but also affected the training of health psychology of student learning, a serious impediment to observe and think of things, and also a direct impact to the compulsory education. Therefore, the emphasis on analysis and research of pupils affective disorder, is to achieve the concept of the new curriculum for all students to promote pupils’ learning difficulties into an important strategy.


Keyword:Primary school students;Learning affective disorder;Countermeasure



目  录


摘要……………………………………………………………………………  I

Abstract………………………………………………………………………… II

引言……………………………………………………………………………  1

  • 学习情感及学习情感障碍…………………………………………… 1

二、小学生学习情感障碍的表现……………………………………………  1

(一)消极厌倦…………………………………………………………… 1

(二)缺乏自信…………………………………………………………… 2

(三)焦虑………………………………………………………………… 2

三、造成小学生情感障碍的主要原因………………………………………  2

(一)学生的个人因素…………………………………………………   2

(二)教师和家长的因素………………………………………………   2

(三)学生之间的情感因素……………………………………………   3

四、小学生学习情感的应对策略……………………………………………  3

(一)允许学生选择作业方式…………………………………………… 3

(二)尊重学生的人格…………………………………………………… 4

(三)培养学生良好的学习习惯………………………………………… 4

(四)培养学生的成功意识……………………………………………   4

(五)创设情感氛围……………………………………………………   4

五、结语   …………………………………………………………………   5

参考文献   …………………………………………………………………    6


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