摘   要











The history of mathematics as a display of human mathematical culture, progress is an important historical resource, it has a rich theoretical content, but also it has a peculiar conception of mathematics, mathematics, human studies to master mathematics, innovation and mathematics have far-reaching significance and positive impact on. Of education reform ahead of the environment, the need for reform of the mathematics curriculum is also increasingly strong, a number of research the history of mathematics and mathematics education reform theory began to emerge, new theoretical results are also beginning to be the world’s attention, we can say, new educational conditions, the integration of the history of mathematics and mathematics teaching has been used as a way to improve the current mathematics education. Explore how the history of mathematics and mathematics teaching, integration is very important.

This text,choose the high school mathematics teaching, from the history of mathematics into the status of high school mathematics teaching, research, and aims to explore the history of mathematics should be how to integrate the teaching of high school math, and documentary research, questionnaire and case analysis ways. First, and analyzed the domestic and foreign scholars in the area of research, and noted that the theoretical basis of this study human learning theory and constructivist learning theory; the history of mathematics into the connotation of high school mathematics teaching, characteristics, principles significance to explore, innovation and propose a new integration concept; on this basis, Changchun City, ten high schools and 120 high school teachers conducted a survey and analyze results to show the current high school teachers into the state of mind and opinions of high school mathematics teaching; the history of mathematics into the design and application of mathematics teaching after the manner of the case, and analyze the history of mathematics; Finally, from the point of view of the history of mathematics and cultural value, educational value and other to promote the history of mathematics into the high school mathematics teaching.

This study, to grasp the history of mathematics in the current high school math in a timely manner to identify where the problem is a very important practical significance, a certain amount of reference to enhance the history of mathematics into the high school level of mathematics teaching.


Key words: history of mathematics; high school mathematics; philosophy; thinking; value




目  录


摘   要. 3

Abstract 4

第一章 绪论. 1

1.1 选题的背景及意义. 1

1.2 国内外研究综述. 2

1.2.1 国外相关研究综述. 2

1.2.2 国内相关研究综述. 4

1.3 研究主要内容与研究方法. 6

1.3.1 研究主要内容. 6

1.3.2 研究方法. 6

第二章 基础理论及概念. 8

2.1人本主义学习理论. 8

2.1.1 人本主义学习理论的基本思想. 8

2.1.2 人本主义学习理论的指导意义. 8

2.2建构主义学习理论. 8

2.2.1 建构主义学习理论的基本思想. 8

2.2.2 建构主义学习理论的环境要素. 9

2.3 数学史融入高中数学基础概念. 9

2.3.1 数学史融入高中数学的内涵. 9

2.3.2 数学史融入高中数学教学的主要特征. 10

2.3.3 数学史融入高中数学教学的一般原则. 11

2.3.4 数学史与高中数学教学融入的理念. 12

2.3.5 数学史与高中数学教学融入的意义. 14

第三章 数学史融入高中数学教学的调查及分析. 16

3.1 调查说明及问卷设计. 16

3.1.1 调查对象选择及目的说明. 16

3.1.2 问卷设计. 16

3.2 调查结果统计与分析. 18

3.2.1 参与调查教师整体情况统计. 18

3.2.2 教师对数学史基础知识了解情况统计及分析. 19

3.2.3 教师对数学史融入高中数学教学的作用认识统计及分析. 20

3.2.4 教师对数学史融入高中数学教学的方法认知统计及分析. 22

第四章 推动数学史融入课堂教学的建议. 28

4.1 明确数学史融入数学教学的目标. 28

4.1.1 能以数学史的文化价值激活数学活力. 28

4.1.2 能强化数学理论与历史过程的结合. 29

4.1.3 能借助历史情境,展现应用数学. 30

4.2 营造数学史的学习氛围. 31

4.2.1 透过数学史,寻求其教育价值. 31

4.2.2 渗透数学史中的技法,创造数学学习的氛围. 31

第五章 数学史融入高中数学教学的案例设计. 33

5.1 数学史融入高中数学教学的一般步骤. 33

5.2 数学史融入高中数学教学的典型案例分析. 34

5.2.1 进行数学史料的搜集. 34

5.2.2 确定融入教学目标. 36

5.2.3 融入方案设计及应用. 37

5.2.4 融入教学方案的总结. 41

5.2.5 案例效果调查分析. 41

第六章 结论与展望. 45

参考文献. 47

致谢. 50


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