
摘  要





关键词 欧元;国际金融市场;影响;债务危机


Analyze the impact of the euro on international financial markets



International finance affects the development of international economy, in recent years there has been a number of high-profile international financial events, For example, The Asian financial crisis of 1997, The U.S. financial crisis of 2008, The euro zone sovereign debt crisis of 2009 and The Greek debt crisis of 2011 and so on. The big events in the financial world have also increased the analysis of factors that affect the dynamics of international financial markets. In today’s world financial system, the dollar has always played a key role, chasing the dollar, the euro is also in a fairly high position in the world financial system, The euro and the dollar, the Europe and the United States are always linked together. Since the dollar’s influence has had a huge impact on international financial markets, the impact of the euro on international financial markets is also undeniable.

So the purpose and method of this paper are presented in this paper and this paper is based on the cause and background of the euro, the affect of the euro on the international monetary system, compare the impact of the euro on international financial markets before and after the advent of the euro, the impact of the euro on the international financial centre the downside of the euro system, the euro zone’s sovereign-debt crisis and the advantage of the euro system that embody it to analyze the impact of the euro on the international financial markets.



Keywords Euro, International financial markets, impact,  The debt crisis


目  录

摘要… I

Abstract II


第1章 绪论… 1

1.1 研究背景… 1

1.2研究目的及方法… 1

1.3研究内容… 2

第2章 欧元的产生… 3

2.1 历史背景… 3

2.2 原因… 3

第3章 欧元问世前的金融市场… 6

3.1 欧元问世前各欧洲国家货币的国际地位… 6

3.2 欧元问世前的国际金融市场… 6

3.2.1 欧元问世前的货币市场… 6

3.2.2 欧元问世前的股票市场… 7

3.2.3 欧元问世前的债券市场… 7

3.2.4欧元问世前的外汇市场… 7

第4章 欧元对各方的影响… 9

4.1 欧元对国际货币体系的影响… 9

4.2欧元对各国汇率形成机制和外汇储备的影响… 10

4.3欧元对国际金融市场的影响… 10

4.3.1欧元对股票市场的影响… 11

4.3.2欧元对债券市场的影响… 12

4.3.3欧元对外汇市场的影响… 12

4.3.4欧元对货币市场的影响… 13

4.3.5欧元对国际银行业的影响… 13

4.4欧元对国际金融中心的影响… 15

4.4.1国际金融中心简述… 15

4.4.2伦敦、法兰克福的地位变化… 15

第5章 案例分析欧元区主权债务危机… 17

5.1危机的爆发及影响… 17

5.2危机所体现的欧元弊端… 18

结论… 21

致谢… 22

参考文献… 23

附录A.. 25


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