摘 要
The appreciation of the renminbi has become a development trend, and give the commercial banks of our country have brought some influence. This thesis is from some about the Renminbi revaluation theory of RMB appreciation, leading to the reason, further analysis of the revaluation of the RMB to China’s commercial banks by the positive and negative influence. At the end of the thesis for the Commercial Bank of our country RMB revaluation should put forward reasonable countermeasures.
Key words: RMB appreciation; commercial bank; impact; countermeasure
目 录
1.人民币升值的相关理论阐述………………………………….. 1
1.3商业银行资产负债综合管理理论………………………….. 2
2.2国际收支顺差及外汇储备的增长………………………….. 3
3.人民币升值对我国商业银行的影响…………………………….. 4
3.1.1人民币升值有利于提高我国银行的国际竞争力…………… 4
3.1.2人民币升值有利于银行扩大外汇市场交易………………. 5
3.1.3人民币升值会吸引外资扩大商业银行的资产规模…………. 5
3.2.1人民币升值会降低商业银行的资本充足率………………. 5
3.2.2人民币升值会加大商业银行的汇率风险………………… 6
3.2.3人民币升值会使相关行业信贷资产质量下降…………….. 7
4.商业银行应对人民币升值的策略………………………………. 8
4.1加强对资本充足状况的监控和调节………………………… 8
4.3调整及优化银行信贷结构……………………………….. 8
4.4提高商业银行产品创新与经营管理能力…………………….. 9