





关键词高新技术企业  营运资金  营运资金管理


Abstract:In the 1970s of the last century, the high-tech enterprises, becoming the focus of development in various countries.High and new technology industry to knowledge-intensive technology as the foundation, is the modern all industries of a country ‘s core, is also the important driving force of social sustainable development. But high-tech enterprises to differ with traditional business management form, aimed at high-tech enterprises working capital management is still a big gap. In this paper, with company of new and high technology industry based on the characteristics, use of working capital management related to the theoretical research of high-tech enterprises operating capital to raise money, use the management strategy, which is not only conducive to the promotion of high-tech enterprises optimize the allocation of financial resources, but also for the high-tech enterprise managers to provide decision-making basis, to our country is booming high-tech technology enterprise healthy development is of great theoretical and practical significance.


In this paper,using the normative approach, first expressed in the definition and characteristics of the high-tech enterprises, and then analyze the characteristics of content and high-tech enterprise of working capital and capital management, working capital management, working capital, and finally from the high-tech enterprises in China working capital management present situation and its causes proposed to strengthen the high-tech enterprise working capital management measures.


The main conclusions are: First,definition of high-tech companies requires certain standards,not only the economic field is in the field of rapid technical progress, more to see whether will be transformed into high-tech productivity.Second, China’s high-tech enterprises working capital status quo mainly manifests for the lack of working capital structure management, working capital structure unreasonable, working capital management risk of high.Third,the status quo causes of high-tech enterprises working capital management is: lack of operating funds management concepts, without the establishment of working capital management system and the lack of effective management means.


Key wordsHigh-tech Enterprise  Working Capital  Working Capital Management








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