摘 要










With the rapid development of e-commerce, e-commerce has become an important industry in the national economy, there is the main mode of B2B, B2C, C2C three types. Electricity suppliers in China has experienced explosive growth, electricity supplier in the development of the industry also faces enormous challenges, the gradual homogenization of the product type, enable enterprises to enter a price war, in increasing market share and attract customers, improve brand awareness and other processes are facing a huge challenge, business enterprise must have an effective management approach in order to promote business survive in the competition.

Performance management is the core of enterprise management, enterprise management work are based on the performance management, and enterprise management purposes is to better and faster to improve performance and optimize the various problems existing in the process of business survival and achieve business goals, since established in 2010, ZD company has experienced rapid development in recent years, but slow growth in corporate performance, business has entered a development bottleneck, this study ZD e-commerce company as a case investigation questionnaire, interviews and other forms of combination of approaches and found that performance appraisal system is not perfect, and assessment indicators do not match the company’s development, the lack of evaluation feedback, lack of incentives, leading to low employee satisfaction, which hindered the further development of the company .

For the problems identified, the paper optimized implementation of performance management approach to performance management system has been redesigned, the main process including planning, goal decomposition, the implementation of the performance plan, performance results monitoring, performance evaluation and feedback and performance management applications.


Key words: E-commerce, performance management system, enterprise management





目 录


摘 要….. I

Abstract.. II

第1章 绪论….. 1

1.1研究背景…. 1

1.2 研究意义…. 1

1.3研究内容及研究方法…. 1

1.3.1研究内容… 1

1.3.2 研究方法… 2

1.4 国内外研究现状…. 2

1.4.1 绩效管理概念研究… 2

1.4.2 绩效管理方法… 3

1.4.3绩效管理流程… 3

第2章 ZD电子商务公司绩效管现状调研….. 4

2.1 ZD公司概况…. 4

2.2 ZD公司绩效管理现状调研…. 4

2.2.1 问卷设计… 4

2.2.2 问卷调研… 4

2.2.3绩效管理现状分析… 5

2.2.4绩效管理评价分析… 6

第3章 ZD电子商务公司绩效管理存在的问题分析….. 7

3.1 ZD公司绩效管理存在的问题分析…. 7

3.1.1 考核指标设置不合理… 7

3.1.2 缺乏对考核过程、结果的监控… 7

3.1.3 考核考评制度不合理… 8

3.1.4 缺乏绩效反馈环节… 8

第4章 ZD电子商务公司绩效管理体系设计….. 8

4.1 绩效管理体系设计的目的…. 8

4.2绩效管理体系设计的流程…. 8

4.2.1 确立绩效计划… 8

4.2.2 实施绩效计划… 9

4.2.3 绩效考评… 10

4.2.4 绩效反馈与应用… 11

第5章 结论….. 11

参考文献….. 12

致 谢….. 13

附 录….. 14


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