摘 要








In recent years, staff turnover hinders the development of logistics enterprises the main reason, began to be more and more attention to corporate management. Courier industry as a service industry, the stability of staff in favor leads to better customer response, on the contrary, staff turnover will lead to increased operating costs and allows the company to reduce the economic benefits.

Shanshan County in Xinjiang through courier companies in the early stages of development operations running well, staff work attitude, practical work hard, strong sense of responsibility, a strong team spirit of cooperation among the various departments. But by the mid-term, some grass-roots posts courier delivery staff turnover is more serious, a direct result of the loss of the delivery staff Operations staff supply and demand imbalance and increase the workload of the last business economic benefits decline. I only questionnaires and interviews and other methods, combined in through courier company internship experience, summed up the status of employee turnover, and to analyze the reasons for staff turnover. Finally, the corresponding countermeasures combine knowledge of human resource management theory, and Shanshan County in Xinjiang through courier company provides empirical studies.

KEY WORDS Logistics ;Employee Turnover; Cause ;Countermeasure



目  录

前 言………………………………………… 1

一  新疆鄯善县中通快递公司简介………………….. 2

二  新疆鄯善县中通快递公司员工流失现状…………… 4

三  新疆鄯善县中通快递公司员工流失带来的影响……… 8

四  新疆鄯善县中通快递公司员工流失的原因分析……… 9

(一)社会原因…………………………………………. 10

(二)企业组织原因……………………………………… 10

五  降低新疆鄯善县中通快递公司员工流失率的对策…… 13

(一)合理提高员工工资待遇………………………………. 13

(二)让员工在工作上体会到成就感…………………………. 14

(三)合理调整员工的工作与休假时间……………………….. 15

(四)制定可行有效的培训方案…………………………….. 15

(五)员工提高自身素养………………………………….. 16

结 论……………………………………….. 17

致  谢………………………………………. 18

参考文献…………………………………….. 19

附  录………………………………………. 20



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