摘 要





关键词:化妆品广告    拍摄技巧    我国本土    现状分析    发展策略





With the continuous improvement of technology in photography, advertising photography in the process, the overall level of the photographer photography shooting finished advertisement effect appears to have very important significance of promoting. In cosmetic advertising photography process, how to conduct effective cosmetic function to highlight, become cosmetic advertising photography process so that the photographer is very headaching problem. The cosmetics industry is a very special industry, therefore in the cosmetics industry in product advertising photography is needed to fully understand the products the main utility, and is the utility of the product planning, so as to achieve cosmetic advertising photography to the perfect picture and the best angle to foil cosmetics cosmetology effect. So this text is from the our country the cosmetic advertising photography of the status quo, analyzed in our country local cosmetic advertising photography development present situation, and through our native land cosmetic advertising photography and international cosmetic advertising photography effect contrast, pointed out our country Chinese cosmetic advertising photography deficiencies. Through the discussion, in view of the present our country local cosmetic advertising photography of targeted solutions put forward suggestions and countermeasures. Through this research, with a view to our native cosmetics enterprises cosmetic advertising photography plays a certain draw lessons from action, urge our local cosmetic advertisements in the process of filming to abandon the traditional rigid shooting mode, with the aid of international cosmetic advertising photography experience and shooting skills, promote China’s native land cosmetic advertising photography in the improved process continuously and close the gap between international cosmetic advertising photography.

Keywords:Advertisement of the cosmetics    Shooting techniques    Our local   analysis of the present situation    Development strategy




摘 要. I

Abstract II

前 言. 1

一、化妆品广告的拍摄效果解读. 2

二、传播我国本土化妆品广告拍摄现状探讨. 3

1、化妆品广告市场鱼龙混杂. 3

2、广告拍摄目的以印刷品为载体现象明显. 3

3、广告拍摄环节中摄影师只扮演拍摄者的角色. 3

4、化妆品广告拍摄效果差,为广告而广告. 4

三、广告摄影抽象化的意象美表达. 5

1、化妆品广告市场混乱,亟待监管. 5

2、本土化妆品企业思想滞后. 5

3、摄影师在化妆品广告拍摄流程中参与性不足. 6

四、提升化妆品广告拍摄效果的发展策略. 7

1、加强化妆品广告市场的监管力度. 7

2、杜绝化妆品生产企业干涉广告拍摄创意的行为. 7

3、改进摄影创意技巧. 7

结论. 8

注释. 9

参考文献. 10

后记. 11


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