









关键词  总体设计  工作装置  液压系统  车架




Title  the whole design of the loader ZL05



Loader is one of the main models of the engineering machines. The homework efficiency is high. The topic of this design is the total and its work equip of the loader ZL05. The main contents of  this design is as follows:

The total calculation and analysis of the loader. It includes the choice of launch the machine parameter, the assurance of the whole machine function parameter, the choice of the theories leads characteristic parameter,  the analysis of the theories leads characteristic parameter,  the calculation of the theories leads characteristic parameter, the evaluation of the total parameter ,the calculation that the machine spade packs resistance, the whole machine of self-respect and the bridge lotus allotment, the calculation of the biggest lead the dint, the calculation of the biggest climb a slope.

The design of work equip, including the choice of the spade type, the assurance of orders’ position, the assurance of the length to moving arm,shake arm and pulling the pole,  the assurance of cutting the noodles shape,  working equip’s analysis by dint and the school check strength, the calculation of the pulling pole stability .

The analysis and calculation of the liquid presses system, including the work liquid to press the system design parameter and the pressure calculation, the discharge calculation of the oil urn’s needing, the choice of the oil pump, the choice of the liquid presses, the calculation of changing direction a liquid to press system of minimum turn radius, change direction resistance and work a pressure.

The front and back car connects and craft request.

In addition, I build up the model of this loader’s work device in ADAMS and carry on sport to imitate really, I also test to find out its biggest the unloaded height and the curve of spade point’s moving﹑velocity and acceleration.



Keywords  the total calculation and analysis  work equip  the liquid presses system  car connects



目   录

第一章 引言

1.1 设计任务和基本要求

1.2 主要部件结构形式

1.3 主要技术参数

第二章 总体设计

2.1 基本结构原理图

2.2 基本参数选取与确定

2.3 发动机

2.4 液压系统

第三章 工作装置设计

3.1 概述

3.2 铲斗基本参数的确定

3.3 动臂设计

3.4 工作装置强度计算

第四章 液压系统设计计算

4.1 转向系统分析及计算

4.2 转斗、动臂液压缸的选取

4.3 液压系统评价

第五章 车架设计

5.1 前车架的设计

5.2 后车架设计

5.3 车架的连接

5.4 车架设计评价

第六章 工艺分析

6.1 零件工艺性分析

6.2 零件机械加工工艺文件

第七章 工作装置仿真模型在ADAMS中的建立

7.1 ADAMS中建立六连杆机构动力学仿真模型

7.2 卸载高度的测量

7.3 六连杆装载机铲斗斗尖位移、速度、加速度的测量





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