





Based on the 3D engine cylinder head of the overall composition of drilling and fixture design

Abstract: The design project is from Jiangdong Dynamic Group, Yancheng. Considering a large quantity of parts needed by diesels, a modular machine tool is designed to improve the accuracy and efficiency of diesel production. The combination of machine tools against ZH1105 diesel engine exhaust, cylinder head above surface 2 × M10-7H thread bottom outlet, gas wells over the 4 × M10-7H thread bottom outlet, G3 / 8 “at the same time placing Bottom. The design is mainly focused on both the overall design and jig design. The overall design makes detailed analysis of processing techonology, choice of the positioning datum of processing, grip program, proper cutting parameters, cutting tools, the configuration types of machine tools, the proper construction program and so on. Meanwhile the drawing of “Three Charts and One Card” (automatic drawing process chart, size relation chart, machining schematic diagram and production calculating card)  are completed. As far as jigs are concered, a special fixture are employed with the aid of the three platforms positioning program according to the principle of six points positioning to eliminate the six degrees of freedom of workpiece for a stable and reliable positioning, and the synchronous processing of two surfaces of parts which can simplifying the process. The safer, more reliable and convient hydraulic grip devices are employed for a stable and reliable grip. The charateristics of effiecy, low cost, high processing accuracy, easy operation, the machine tool are obtained to relieve the labor internsity, improve efficiency which meets the requirements of the design.


Key Words: Modular machine tool;  Fixture;  Diesel engine cylinder head



目    录

1 前言 1

2 组合机床总体设计 3

2.1 总体方案论证 3

2.1.1 加工对象工艺性分析 3

2.1.2 机床配置型式的选择 3

2.1.3 定位基准的选择 3

2.2 确定切削用量及选择刀具 4

2.2.1 选择切削用量 4

2.2.2 计算切削力、切削扭矩及切削功率 5

2.2.3 刀具耐用度的计算 7

2.2.4 选择刀具结构 8

2.3 三图一卡设计 8

2.3.1 被加工零件工序图 8

2.3.2 加工示意图 8

2.3.3 机床联系尺寸图 10

2.3.4 机床生产率计算卡 12

3 组合机床夹具设计 15

3.1.1 零件的工艺性分析 15

3.1.2 夹具设计的基本要求 15

3.1.3 夹具总体结构构思 16

3.2 定位方案的确定 16

3.2.1 定位方案的论证 16

3.2.2 定位基准的选择 16

3.2.3 定位的实现方法 16

3.3 误差分析 18

3.3.1影响加工精度的因素 18

3.3.2保证加工精度的条件 18

3.4 夹紧方案确定 20

3.4.1 夹紧装置的确定 20

3.4.2 夹紧力的确定 22

3.4.3 夹紧液压缸的选择 23

3.5 导向装置的选择 24

3.5.1 钻模套型式的选择和设计 24

3.5.2 钻模板的类型和设计 25

3.6 夹具体确定 25

3.7 夹具体三维模型 26

4 结论 30

参考文献 33

致    谢 34

附    录 35


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