











Power supply is core and drive of electric equipments. With the flying development of power electronics technology, It has come forth continually that is IC of high intelligence, new type electronic device and topology since 1990’s. As aresult, A lot of new type steady-voltage power supply has been created that is indescribable ten years ago. High-frequency switching power supply is a branch of power supply. It possesses many advantages such as low-power, high-frequency, small- volume, light-weight, wide-range of steady voltage, credibility and security. It has been received and upheld by the people. It involves a great deal content that is extensive and intricate. It bestrides subject of three aspects. The first is IC control chip system of micro-electronics; The second is electronic devices of high-performance power semiconductor such as MOSFET and IGBT. The third is various devices of inductance and magnetic materials of transformer how to be utilized and rolled rationally.

Steady voltage power supply of modern switching has been applied in the following aspects widely. They are DC power supply, AC power supply, industry power supply, computer power supply, UPS power supply, power supply of medical treatment and lighting, high voltage power supply of radar, power supply of sound and video frequency and so on. Single-phase Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Inverter Power Supply in this paper belongs to AC power supply (AC-DC-AC convert).  Control mode adopts feedback of voltage control.  The methods of intermitting power flux and changing duty-cycle can change pulse width of drive voltage that adjust and rectify output voltage ultimately. The main circuit is made up of compounding of Boost and the full-bridge circuit. The control circuit adopts two chips of integrated pulse width modulation. One produces PWM waveform. The other connects chip of producing sinusoidal signal properly, which brings SPWM waveform. Integrated chip is more simple, reliable and laboratorial than discrete component.

The operation of inverter power supply is thoroughly analyzed and some important formulas are deduced. Finally, the principle of operation are illustrated and verified on emulation and experimental results.


Key words: inverter; Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation,MOSFET






第1章 概述


1.1.1 交流稳压电源

1.1.2 UPS及交流净化电源

1.1.3 工业电源的发展

1.1.4 直流开关电源

1.1.5 软开关——PWM功率变换器

1.1.6 分布电源技术的发展

1.1.7 功率因数校正技术

2 PWM的工作原理

2.1 PWM的基本原理

2.2 PWM型逆变电路的控制方式

2.2.1 异步调制

2.2.2 同步调制

2.3 SPWM波形的生成方法

3 逆变电源组成及主电路的设计

3.1 系统组成

3.2 主电路组成及工作原理

3.3 主电路设计 11

3.3.1 共模抑制环节 11

3.3.2 工频变压器设计 13

3.3.3 限流电路设计 14

3.3.4 Boost变换器设计 15

3.3.5 桥式逆变器基本原理 20

3.4 主电路图 21

第4章 逆变电路的控制电路设计

4.1 辅助电源设计

4.2 控制电路框图

4.3 SG3524ICL8038芯片介绍

4.3.1 SG3524芯片

4.3.2 ICL8038芯片

4.4 控制电路设计

4.4.1 利用SG3524生成SPWM波形

4.4.2 驱动电路设计 驱动电路工作原理 驱动电路参数原理图

4.4.3 过流保护电路

4.4.4 反馈调压电路 反馈调压电路工作原理 反馈调压电路主电路图

4.5 控制电路图

第5章 结论与展望…………………………………………………………………………..33


参考文献………………………………………………………………………………………. 36


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