




第一章 绪论 …………………………………………………………………………3

1.1 选题的意义1.2 电动车的历史

1.3 电动车的现状以及技术水平

1.4 电动车目前所面临的主要问题

1.5 电动车的未来发展方向


第二章 本次设计题目的要求及设计参数选择与分析

2.1 设计目的和要求以及总体构想

2.2 设计参数的选择与分析


第三章 电动汽车各总成的布置和参数的确定

3.1 电动车电机的选择

3.2 电动车电池的选择

3.3 电动车前后悬架的选择

3.4 电动车车桥车架以及车轮的选择

3.5 电动车的转向系和制动系

3.6 电动车传动系的布置形式和驱动桥的选择


第四章 参数的校核


第五章 小结









关键词:电动观光汽车 总体设计  电机 电池 底盘布置




   This article writes an eight tourism electric automobile design. First is to the massive electric automobile material consult, then from the electrical machinery choice, the battery choice begins, according to the topic request, carries on a series of computations finally to obtain satisfies the travel request the electrical machinery and the battery. After chooses the electrical machinery and the battery, is same with the design fuel oil automobile chassis, and simultaneously synthesizes the electric automobile the unique feature, to the automobile transmission system, the travel system, the steering system, the braking system carries on 11 analyses and the design. Designs the chassis in this for the electric automobile in the process, must pay attention to the electric automobile and the fuel oil automobile different place specially. Designs in me on this low speed tourism electric automobile, its power transmission is very simple, does not have the traditional coupling and the transmission gearbox, also does not have the rotary transmission system, is the electrical machinery direct and the main gear box with the gear meshing direct connection, like this causes the entire chassis the spatial big increase, the entire chassis arrangement also might change is more free. Finally in these foundations, the use computed information, carries on to the automobile always arranges the design.


Key words: tourism electric automobile   design  electrical machinery  battery  chassis arrangement


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