摘 要
This design carried on has flushed circle hole, flushes the trough, falls the material continual mold the design. In the article has briefly outlined the ramming mold at present development condition and the tendency. Has carried on the detailed craft analysis and the craft plan determination to the product. According to general step which the ramming mold designs, calculated and has designed on this set of molds main spare part, for example: The raised mold, the concave mold, the raised mold dead plate, the backing strip, the concave mold dead plate, unloads, leads the ruler, keeps off the material to sell, to lead is selling and so on. The mold frame uses the standard mold frame, has selected the appropriate ramming equipment. In the design has carried on the essential examination computation to the work components and the press specification. In addition, this mold uses the beginning with to keep off the material to sell with the circular keeps off the material. the concave mold and falls the material concave mold to use the overall dead plate to be fixed. Fell the material raised mold internal installation to have leads is selling, had guaranteed on the work piece the hole and the contour relative position was accurate, increased the processing precision. So designs the structure may guarantee the mold work movement to be reliable and the ramming product mass production request.
Key word: Continual mold; Ramming mold; Standard mold frame; Ramming equipment; Examination; flush hole; Falls the material .
目 录
第1章 零件工艺性分析 1
1.1 冲裁工艺性 1
1.1.1 结构与尺寸 1
1.1.1 精度 1
1.1.3 材料……………………………………………………………………………2
第2章 确定冲裁工艺方案 2
2.1 工序性质与数量的确定 2
2.2 工序顺序的确定 2
2.3 工序组合方式的确定 3
第3章 确定模具总体结构方案 3
3.1 模具类型 3
3.2 操作与定位方式 3
3.3 卸料方式与出料方式 3
3.4 模架类型及精度 3
第4章 工艺与设计计算 4
4.1 排样设计与计算 4
4.2 计算冲压力与压力中心,初选压力机 5
4.2.1 计算工艺力 5
4.3 计算凸凹模刃口尺寸及公差 7
第5章 设计选用模具零部件、绘制模具总装草图 9
5.1 确定凸凹模结构形式,计算凹模轮廓尺寸及凸模结构尺寸 9
5.1.1 凹模设计 9
5.1.2 凸模设计 11
5.2 设计定位零件 11
5.3 卸料与出件装置 14
5.3.1 固定卸料装置 14
5.4 模架及零件 14
5.4.1 模架 14
5.4.2 其他支承与固定零件 16
5.4.3 紧固件:螺钉与销钉的选用 19
5.4.4 绘制模具总装草图,校核压力机 20
第6章 确定冲压设备 22
第7章 模具的装配 23
7.1 连续模的装配 23
7.2 凸、凹模间隙的调整 23
第8章 重要零件的加工工艺过程编制 24
结论 28
致谢 29
参考文献 31
附录1 33