








Fan Performance measurement and control system is functioning in Blower in the process of achieving fan of the basic parameters of the collection, analysis, calculated performance parameters and the mapping of fan performance curve (flow – all of pressure, flow – power curve, traffic – the efficiency curve) And through acquisition and processing of signals to the speed of the fan VVVF control of the process. Fan performance test for the finished product testing and new product design and development are crucial, especially for large, special-fan and a single, small volume and flow characteristics of the special requirements of the situation, the performance test is particularly important. At present, China’s Fan Performance testing mostly manual-based, test means there behind, and the labor of inaccurate test results and other shortcomings. Using advanced virtual instrument technology, sensor technology, instrumentation and test technologies, a fan performance parameters of automatic detection, automatic processing of test data and performance of the automatic drawing is the focus of this paper.

In this paper, virtual instrumentation, a fan of automatic test system tests the hardware and software design. Hardware on the use of pressure sensors, pressure sensors and torque sensors detect the test data, and the test data collected automatically the use of Frequency Control Technology Control VVVF output signals in the frequency, the fan speed to achieve the automatic adjustment. In Labview software development platform virtual instrument, the modular design, and the acquisition of real-time signal that the exact output control signals, the test data processing and application of the correct method of least squares fitting parameters to achieve the performance Curve of automatic drawing. The entire system is user-friendly, easy to operate, fully functional advantages, test results showed that the development of virtual machines based on the fan performance automated test systems, to increase the stability of the trial process, to avoid the artificial reading error, error and related data can not be Records of the test results caused by the deviation. Improve the accuracy of the test and test efficiency. Can be widely used in scientific research institutes, and fan manufacturers, and the promotion of high value.



Key words: Fan performance; Fan testing; fan control; virtual instruments; data collection; Labview.







第一章   概述————————————————————————————1

1.1     风机简述——————————————————————————–1

1.2     风机测试系统的发展—————————————————————–1

1.3     基于虚拟仪器的风机测试系统—————————————————–1

第二章   系统总体方案的设计————————————————————3

2.1     风机性能测试方法——————————————————————–3

2.2     虚拟仪器技术及其应用————————————————————–5

2.3     风机测试系统的总体方案———————————————————–5

第三章   风机硬件系统的设计————————————————————7

3.1     风机机械硬件总体设计————————————————————–7

3.2     机械结构设计计算——————————————————————–7

3.3     风机转速调节装置的设计————————————–18

3.4     风机测试传感器的设计选用————————————20

3.5     风机测试系统数据采集卡————————————–23

第四章   系统软件的设计—————————————————————–25

4.1     虚拟仪器的硬件系统—————————————————————25

4.2     虚拟仪器的软件系统—————————————————————26

4.3     Labview简介————————————————————————-26

4.4     测试系统主界面的设计————————————————————27

第五章   结束语——————————————————————————29



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