

关键词:破碎比  动腭   正支撑   特性值


Abstract: Palate crusher in the industrial and mining enterprises were widely used, this is because the body structure is simple, and complete and large-scale models of. Palate crusher after 100 years of practice and continue to improve, their bodies have been improving. Although the palate crusher count on the relatively old models, but with the social development needs of the requirements broken constantly improve the products and the quality of the products have greatly improved, the crusher models have been developed to a variety .

This paper is facing compound pendulum palate crusher design study. Compound pendulum palate crusher because of its dynamic palate in other parts of the lead plane for the general sports complex named after. Moved palate its trajectory is generally closed curve. Crushing machine-placed eccentric axle load due to the generally made of medium-sized and small, broken up over 10. With the development of industrial technology and demands placed palate-breakers have been large-scale development.   Compound pendulum palate crusher at work for the eccentric shaft counterclockwise rotation, the load of materials and a retreat clamping downward effect.  The models under a vertical swing on small and is conducive to moving the material I will be refined palate launched. As block palate for complex dynamic movement of materials therefore not only blocks from the extrusion, Split, bending role, but also from the roller rubbing role, it can be slightly broken stick wet materials. Support is facing a complex palate crusher, moving the lower part of the palate of great value m, making dynamic palate and the palate of liner wear very quickly, but it has a high production capacity. From the actual production that are supporting-palate structure of the Breakers palatine form a dynamic trajectory of a reasonable, high-capacity, the advantages of a simpler structure, it is widely used.

Key Words: broken up ratio   moved palate     be prop up   eigenvalue


目      录

1  概 述

2  物料破碎及其意义

2.1   物料破碎及其意义  ………………………………………2

2.1.1 破碎的目的…………………………………………………2

2.1.2 破碎工艺  …………………………………………………3

2.2   破碎物料的性能及破碎比  ………………………………4

2.2.1 粒度及其表示方法  ………………………………………4

2.2.2  破碎产品的粒级特性   …………………………………5

2.2.3  矿石的破碎及力学性能 …………………………………8

3 工作原理和构造

3.1   工作原理    ………………………………………………9

3.2   腭式破碎机的结构   ……………………………………10

4  主要零部件的结构分析

4.1   动腭   ……………………………………………………12

4.2   齿板的结构 ………………………………………………12

4.3   肘板(推力板)   ………………………………………13

4.4   调整装置   ………………………………………………14

4.5   保险装置   ………………………………………………15

4.6   机架结构   ………………………………………………15

4.7   传动件   …………………………………………………17

4.9   飞轮   ……………………………………………………17

4.10  润滑装置 …………………………………………………17

5  复摆腭式破碎机的主参数设计计算

5.1.1 主轴转速 …………………………………………………18

5.1.2生产能力  …………………………………………………19

5.1.3 偏心距e的计算  …………………………………………20

5.2   破碎力  ……………………………………………………20

5.2.1 破碎力的计算………………………………………………20

5.2.2 最大破碎力 ………………………………………………23

5.3   功率的计算   ………………………………………………23

5.4 主要零件受力计算 ……………………………………………24

6  各主要零件的设计

6.1带轮的设计   …………………………………………………26

6.2 曲轴(偏心轴)的设计计算 ……………………………………28

6.3 滚动轴承的设计计算   ………………………………………33

6.3.1  轴承的选择  ………………………………………………33

6.3.2   轴承的验算 ………………………………………………33

7  对一个主要零件进行有限元分析

7.1  Solidworks软件介绍…………………………………………34

7.2  Solidworks的功能和特点……………………………………34

7.3  对一个零件的有限元分析 ……………………………………34

7.3.1 建模……………………………………………………………34

7.3.2 分析类型与选项………………………………………………37

7.3.3 材料定义属性…………………………………………………38

7.3.4 载荷与约束……………………………………………………39

7.3.5 网格的划分……………………………………………………41

7.3.6 运行分析………………………………………………………41

8  腭式破碎机的安装与运转

7.1破碎机的安装 ……………………………………………………43

7.2机架的安装 ………………………………………………………44

总    结 ……………………………………………………………45

参考文献 ……………………………………………………………46

致    谢 ……………………………………………………………47

附    录 …………………………………………


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