软件工程 XX
- 即时通信(Instant Messaging,IM)软件产生以来,这种通过网络与其它在线用户进行交流的方式,受到了个人公司以及行业的青睐。本文采用软件工程的管理和设计方法,对项目的需求进行了分析,完成了功能用例建模,使用Socket通信技术结合TCP/IP协议原理实现了基于Android操作系统的聊天软件各个模块的分析设计,提出了系统的体系结构和整体架构设计方案,并予以实现,取得了较好的使用价值。
- Android;即时聊天;客户端/服务器模型;套接;
Design and Implementation of the Network Chatting Software
based on the Android
Software Engineering Major XX
- Since the invention of instant messaging (IM), such style which online users communicate with others on the net, has become more and more welcomed by individual, company and software industry.This paper using the software engineering management and design methods to analyze the requirement of project, and implement the construction of function model. With the socket communication technology combined with the TCP/IP protocol finished all of the modules in chat software which runs in Android Operation. Propose and carry out the system architecture and overall architecture design, get a good value in use.
- Android; Instant Messaging; IM; C/S; Socket;
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