

摘  要









3G era has gradually integrated into our daily life, with the country’s communication policy as well as the major carriers of sensitization to the effects of3G mobile phone, can be seen everywhere, in the face of the global information technology, an unprecedented rapid development, the information high speed development is a symbol of social advancement. In the global information technology today, mobile phone has become indispensable in the daily life of a part, especially in electronic products change rapidly today, we usually can be seen everywhere in the electronic products, mobile phone is undoubtedly one of the largest user sets, and major manufacturers of intelligent mobile phone will still be electronic market a dazzling star. The representative of Connaught Nokia Symbian, the Motorola Linux system, but which is still a new force suddenly rises. Google Andriod system for its open source code and convenient and simple operation is the future leader in the field of intelligent mobile phone. This time graduate the design we choose based on the Andriod mobile phone games will make our work in the future to provide more opportunities.

With the new technology development and application, in recent years the development of Java technology is very rapid, a Java application of tide of new technology revolution is booming. Andriod based software development is a great prospect of technology, through this graduation design, can make us from on the software design of the actual software development process, improve our professional skills, can finally obtain strong professional knowledge.


Key words: Android mobile phone; the Android platform;





摘  要



第1章 Android概述

1.1 Android的前世今生

1.1.1 Android的产生

1.1.2 Android的发展

1.2 Android的平台架构


1.4 Android Runtime和函数库层


1.4.2 Android Runtime

1.5 Dalvik 虚拟机

1.6 Android的进程管理机制

1.7 应用程序框架层

1.8 应用程序层

2 Android的应用

2.1 Android应用的组成

2.2 Activity

2.3 Intent Receiver

2.4 Service

2.5 Content Provider

2.6 AndroidManifest.xml

第2章 需求分析、模块设计

2.1 需求分析


2.1.2 Android系统概述

2.2 程序的模块结构

2.2.1 程序的建立

第3章 系统采用关键技术

第4章 总结


致    谢


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