摘 要
As smart phones into the life of the ordinary people, it will become the main equipment of access to information. Therefore, the application of mobile phone services will have great development space, mobile phone shopping service is one of them. Android platform to support the development of a variety of applications, it is by far the most popular open source smartphone operating system, the latest version is android4.0, provides a convenient and flexible development interface.
Mobile phone shopping, is refers to the use of mobile Internet to realize the process of online shopping, belonging to the mobile Internet e-commerce. Into the smartphone and 3 g era to iOS and Android platform of mobile shopping application for the mainstream mode. Mobile phone shopping abroad development is one of the best countries such as Japan, South Korea, and China’s current mobile phone shopping also accounted for the entire electrical business 2 into left and right sides, and is developing at breakneck speed. The more representative intelligent mobile phone applications, the traditional electricity APP with taobao and every guest, guide comprehensive application with pockets for shopping, mushroom street, etc.
Intelligent mobile terminal of communication services, location-based services, and camera for photo information brought great convenience in a timely manner. This subject requires students based on the Android intelligent terminal developed a mobile phone shopping system, including photo, upload, pictures, etc. This information need by intelligent terminal acquisition, the camera at the same time should be running in the background copy information transmission.
Keywords: Android. Mobile phones; Shopping;
目 录
4.3.3 Android基本框架(Android Architecture)