094asp.net 网上购物商城 演示录像



本设计是一个基于互联网的B/S模式的网上购物系统,能为客户提供网络选择浏览商品信息、订单服务。并为管理员提供一个智能的服务平台实现顾客信息与顾客订单的管理,从而提高了服务的质量。本文从系统需求、系统设计、代码实现几方面介绍了整个软件开发过程,其开发平台为Microsoft visual studio 2005,主要开发语言有C#,JavaScript。

关键词:网上购物 订单管理  ASP.NET  B/S模式



[Abstract]: This paper analyzes the household appliances shopping on the Internet and the development of the status quo and problems, find the traditional service mode has been unable to meet the needs of market development. With the development of network technology and popularization, convenient, fast, personalized online shopping is to enter the life of people. In order to solve these problems, combined with the latest achievements in the development of contemporary science and technology, this article design a set of planning the most appropriate service mode for online shopping, providing regional web portal, to adapt to different customer group.The design is based on Internet B / S model of online shopping system, customers can provide a network selection in view of information goods, orders the service. And as administrators to provide an intelligent service platform for the realization of customer information and customer order management, to improve the quality of service. This paper from the system requirements, system design, code implementation of a few respects introduced the software development process, its development platform for the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, the main development language C #, JavaScript.


Key words: Household appliances shopping online order management in ASP.NET B / S mode




1.1 系统开发的背景和意义

1.2 开发环境

1.2.1 .NET简介



2.1 需求分析

2.1.1 操作系统

2.1.2 面向对象

2.1.3 用户管理

2.1.4 商品管理

2.1.5 数据统计

2.2 模块功能设计

2.2.1 系统总体功能

2.2.2 字典维护

2.2.3 用户管理

2.2.4 商品管理

  1. 详细设计

3.1 数据表

  1. 实现系统框架

4.2 系统登录

4.3 系统主界面

4.3.1 主框架页面

4.3.2 系统前台页面框架

4.3.3 前台留言

  1. 字典维护模块

5.1 用户管理

  1. 订单浏览

6.1 订单浏览

6.1.1 订单浏览


7.1 测试计划和要点

7.1.1 字典维护测试要点

7.1.2 用户管理测试要点

7.1.3 订单管理模块测试要点

7.2 测试用例

7.2.1 字典维护模块测试用例

7.2.2 订单管理模块测试用例

7.3 测试结果及结论

7.3.1 测试的结果

7.3.2 缺陷分析及改进

7.3.3 测试结论





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