目    录


第1章 绪论


1.2  网站研究意义

1.3  网站研究现状

1.4  论文的内容

第二章 开发工具和相关技术介绍

2.1  系统开发平台

2.2 平台开发相关技术

2.2.1  B/S架构

2.2.2  java技术介绍

2.2.3 MySql数据库介绍

第三章 系统需求分析

3.1 可行性分析

3.1.1  技术可行性

3.1.2 经济可行性

3.1.3 操作可行性

3.2 系统性能分析

3.3 系统功能需求分析


第四章  系统设计

4.1 系统功能设计

4.2 系统数据库设计

4.2.1  数据库E-R图

4.2.2  数据表字段设计介绍

第5章 系统的实现

5.1 用户功能


5.1.2  专业搜索

5.1.3 专业分数线

第六章 系统测试

6.1 测试方法

6.2 测试分析

6.3 测试结论

结 论

致  谢


摘  要:在当今社会生活人们对高考志愿选择辅助信息管理系统是一种新的管理方式,同时也是高考志愿管理必不可缺少的一部分,利用互联网的时代与高考信息相结合来改变过去传统的高考志愿信息管理中的不足,把高考志愿信息管理模式逐渐推广到各大高校。从目前来看,有许多的高考志愿管理方式都应用网络来进行,网上管理作为时代的必然产物,已经得到了很多人们的认同。




Abstract: In today’s social life of the college entrance examination voluntary choice auxiliary information management system is a kind of new management mode, is also part of the university entrance exam volunteer management essential less, make use of the Internet era with the college entrance examination information to change the past the deficiency of traditional voluntary college entrance examination information management, the university entrance exam volunteer information management mode gradually spread to colleges and universities. From the current point of view, there are a lot of college entrance examination volunteer management methods are applied to the network, online management as an inevitable product of The Times, has been a lot of people’s recognition.

The college entrance examination volunteer selection auxiliary system studied in this paper adopts B/S structure, Java technology and MySql database, and realizes the corresponding functions of the system user role through these technologies. The main functions of this college entrance examination volunteer selection auxiliary system include: college search, professional search, professional score line and other functions.

This paper mainly introduces the development background of the college entrance examination voluntary choice auxiliary system. For this system, the technology needs analysis and system content are discussed, the system is introduced and analyzed in detail, and the system function is tested and summarized in detail. A comprehensive description of the business process, system structure and data. Finally, using computer technology and network technology, to change the existing college entrance examination volunteer selection system problems.


Keywords:The college entrance examination voluntary choice auxiliary system; Database; Java technology


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